[center][img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/94a004bd35137c36f02ddf6610cf9bc1/tumblr_ntbdvhTdjC1t67srpo1_1280.jpg[/img] [img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Sophie%20Fairchild&name=Rainy%20Wind.ttf&size=100&style_color=00BFFF[/img] Location: The Café Time: 12:30 pm[/center] Sophie had already been awake and working at the café for a few hours now, because of schedule changes for those who were going on the annual trip tomorrow. It was this time of year that she wasn't too fond of, mainly because she was never going to go on the the trip because of her health, but also because she'd have to be working overtime for those who did go. Sophie looked up at the clock hanging over the entryway to the café and sighed. [color=00aeef][i]"Only a little bit longer before I have to go to get my usual check up... Though it's not like it will make much of a difference... I haven't had a seizure in years..."[/i][/color] She thought silently as she wiped down the counter tops with a slight frown. [color=00aeef][i]"Well... At least I will be able to talk and spend some time with Ms. Charlotte. "[/i][/color] The thought made a small smile creep up on her lips as she finished wiping the counters. She then proceeded to work on the machines, sweep the floors, and greet the occasional customer that came in. Today was going to be a slow day, thankfully, but this didn't change the fact that things were soon going to become quite busy with the twins and Charlie soon arriving to hopefully lend her a hand when things started to speed up. Of course, when she thought about it again, she realized that perhaps it was a good thing that they weren't here yet, as they seemed to cause more trouble than they're worth. This quickly turned Sophie's smile into a frown, once more. [color=00aeef]"Jeez... Why can't time go faster, just for once?"[/color]