Jo stared at the e-mail and smiled. "Seems like I'm not the only one with the strange voice in my head, good to know." She said as she hopped up and headed to her closet looking through her clothes to find something to wear up to the castle along with packing a bag just in case she has to stay there for a bit. [i][color=#FFFFCC]'Or it's bad to know, I bet it's is just a fake e-mail to get you in a crazy house. You can't get your hopes up yet you always do. It's pathetic'[/color][/i] The voice in her head told her. Jo fought off a frown at the realization that the voice might be correct and just shook her head, her smile growing. "You just need to look at things from a different point of view. Not everything is bad!" She told the voice as she got dressed. [i][color=#FFFFCC]'You always wear bright colors, it's too much. People are going to think you look stupid and then you will loose all your friends and then where will you be in life... alone, that's what. You should change if you want to keep your friends.'[/color][/i] The voice said matter-of-factly. Jo sighed and shut the door her smile wavering as she headed towards her car. "You are so hopeless." She told the voice. [i][color=#FFFFCC]'And you are too hopeful'[/color][/i] The voice replied as Jo climbed in her car and began the drive to the castle.