[center][img]http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj306/Carnage27/2966137-kitty_pryde_marvel_xp_zpsikkodqxa.png[/img][/center] Name: [color=plum]Katherine “Kitty” Pryde/Shadowcat[/color] Alignment: Neutral Good Affiliation: The X-Men History: After Magneto’s attack on President Kelly, 15-year-old Katherine “Kitty” Pryde enrolled in Charles Xavier’s school for mutants. Before then, she had hidden her status as a mutant to escape the prejudice and government watch that it brought. But she feared for her mother’s safety, so she left to join others like her and finish her education in peace. While there, Xavier took an interest in Pryde, seeing her as a potential member of his X-Men peacekeeping force. He also saw her dedication to the safety of her kind, and the great kindness in her heart. Kitty took toe Xavier's school like a fish to water. Already showing great skill in the field of electronics and computers, Kitty enrolled in an early college program for computer engineering and computer programming, being taught first hand by the brilliant Hank McCoy. Kitty saw in Hank the father figure she never had growing up, and he was happy to be her mentor. She also agreed with Xavier about joining the X-Men, and enrolled in the training sessions for the team. While there, she learned how to use her powers offensive and defensively, trained in hand-to-hand combat, and battle strategy. She quickly showed her metal, and when she came of age, Kitty Pryde, aka Shadowcat, became one of the new generation of X-Men. Supporting Cast: Charles Xavier: Charles is the leader of the X-Men, mentor to the students of the school, and ambassador for mutant kind. Charles personally recruited Kitty to the school and to the X-Men. Hank McCoy/Beast: Though his outward appearance is that of a feral Beast, Hank McCoy is a gentle, intellectual mutant. Considered by many to be one of the smartest men alive, Hank is Kitty's mentor and teacher, as well as a member of the X-Men. Bobby Drake/Iceman: Kitty's best friend at the Academy, Bobby has the mutant ability to freeze the air around him. While he is rumored to be one of the most powerful mutants in existence, Bobby fears his power, which holds him back slightly. Still, he is one of the newest members of the X-Men along with Kitty. The X-Men: Scott Summers, Jean Grey, and Warren Worthington, along with the aforementioned Beast make up the core team of the X-Men. Kitty admires the lot, seeing them as the standard bearers for Mutant Kind. How (if at all) does the New Frontier version of your character differ from the original?: None at all. Why mess with the best X-Men character?