[h2][center]Barlour City Underbelly-Reach the Seal in time: Part 1[/center][/h2] Wrath locked blades with the Hatred for a moment, growling before pushing it back and swinging his great sword up in a vertical slash. The surprised Demon vanished in a burst of black ashes that the Nephilim was already moving through before they had all hit the floor. He was slow and he was kicking himself for it. He'd gotten caught up in clashing with Hell's Legions again, a feeling he hadn't gotten to enjoy much in the last seven years and not at all the thirty years before that. [color=FireBrick][i]Foolish, easily bored fool that I am. Uriel's going to be less than happy if I don't secure that seal.[/i][/color] He sheathed Rage Bringer and focused a moment as the blades on his gauntlets extended. Opening his eyes, he reacts just in time to side step a slash from a Dullahan. [color=FireBrick]"Either I'm getting close or I'm having a really bad day."[/color] The demon didn't make a sound, simply followed his movement and attacked again. Prepared this time, Wrath ducked and dashed behind the creature, delivering a series of quick jabs to it's back weak point. The blades slashed it up, downing the demon and allowing him to continue his head on rush back towards his indicator. He wasn't sure what to expect as he got closer, but when he felt he was closing on the strong demonic force, a black shadow appeared, twin green eyes staring at him. [i]"You are not a human, but you are not a demon either. Follow me."[/i] It floated in the direction he was going before turning let after a couple feet and he frowned but complied. [color=FireBrick][i]I suppose this can't be much stranger than living with Angels for fifty years when my siblings kill them on a decently regular basis.[/i][/color]