Name: Takenaka Mizuki Age: 16 Gender: Female Race: Human Appearance: [url=]She's 5' tall, making her slightly below average for her age.[/url] And yes, she wears suits when she's not required to wear the school uniform. Because she thinks they're cool. Personality: Mizuki's fairly upbeat and pleasant to be around most of the time, if a bit subdued. She's generally happy to at least try to hold conversation about most subjects, even if it does sometimes lead to her just nodding and smiling through most of what's being said. She is a massive nerd, having brought a large amount of manga, her personal computer and at least one gaming console to the academy with her. She has a fondness for cute animals, especially cats. Abilities: Mizuki's main magical focus is on summoning. Of course, as she's still just a student, she's unable to conjure anything too extreme or summon an army. She can only reliably summon the following: a winged imp with red skin, which conjures fireballs to attack and is extremely frail, a stone golem that stands roughly 6' tall with a gorilla-like physique and relies on brute strength and its tough body, a humanoid ice elemental which is neither particularly frail or tough and is capable of fighting in melee or firing shards of ice at enemies, and a succubus who she mostly just summons when she needs a player 2. She also has a limited knowledge of healing magic, although for now the main use for this is a short ranged spell which heals minor to moderate injuries over a period of time and is completely ineffective against anything major like a severed limb or 3" hole in the chest. Skills: Mizuki is an above average student in most subjects, the biggest exception being PE. She's a competent cook, when it comes to the half dozen recipes her parents taught her. She can easily pass for a feminine boy if she wants. [s]She can effortlessly crush anyone in the school (except that damned history teacher) in any fighting game.[/s] Brief Backstory: Mizuki's childhood was mostly normal, as far as the daughter of a family of mages can have a normal childhood. Her parents gave her some basic education about magic at home, but had decided to leave teaching her actual spells until she was old enough to attend the Ishikawa Academy. Of course, youthful curiosity and her love of a certain monster catching/battling-based franchise may have led to her peeking at some of their books related to summoning magic prior to her arrival.