[center][h1][color=708090] Taran [/color] and [color=9966CC] Sheevi [/color] [/h1][/center] The books that Medusa gave him were far more complex than anything Taran had ever had to read before. He'd spent most of the time since she had given him the books trying to decipher them, or even a paragraph of them. Taran already had a list of questions nearly as long as his arm and a head ache to go with it. On top of that, the sun outside his room had been mocking him. Taran never had to spend long periods of time inside before, it was making him feel antsy. So...taking one of the lighter books, he decided to venture outside to finish trying to read it. Only to crash face first into someone right outside his door. [color=708090]"Crap," [/color]he said, shaking his head and steadying himself on the wall. [color=708090]"I'm sorry, I ...didn't see you there," [/color] [color=9966CC] Heh, hey there. You ok? [/color] Despite the woman's calm and slightly worried demeanor, an obvious hint of playfulness settles in her eyes. She stares at the man while correcting her stature and awaits his response. [color=708090] "Yeah, I am fine," [/color] He said with a little laugh. [color=708090] "Trust me, this doesn't even register on the 'list of things that have happened to me today,'" [/color] He looked at the woman again, she seemed very warm and welcoming, not that anyone he had met so far had been scary or unapproachable. [color=708090] "Sorry, I don't think we've met, I'm Taran, I just got here...well, last night," [/color] She gives a small giggle and smiles warmly. [color=9966CC] "It's not that much longer than I've been here, I only joined a few days ago..." [/color] She makes a point in looking the man up and down dubiously, obviously impressed by his figure. Taran shifted uncomfortably under the woman's appraising gaze [color=708090] "Well, I mean, I've only met Medusa and Alexina and...um, a few others. But, it has been great so far," [/color] He said, shifting on his heals.[color=708090] "Medusa said I was supposed to find...well, you don't happen to be Loreali do you?" [/color] He asked with an awkward half grimace. [color=9966CC] "Uh...no." [/color] She shifts her feet around with perturbed awkwardness. [color=9966CC] "My name is Sheevi...Sheevi Mekedo!" [/color] She says with an excited voice, a hint of nervousness in her tone. She extends a hand towards the man with a grin. [color=9966CC] "Nice to meet you!" [/color] [color=708090]"It's nice to meet you as well,"[/color] he said taking Sheevi's hand in his own. He held her hand a moment longer than strictly necessary before dropping it far to quickly. [color=708090]"Well, Ah, I guess, I better go find the real Loreali or... Um, Alexina,"[/color] He said. [color=708090]"I think Medusa wants me to help them...I am assuming burn things? But I might be wrong," [/color] She gives a strangely devious smile, a bit astray from someone of her character to have, as she quietly enjoys a private thought. [color=9966CC] "Yeah, burning things is fun, isn't it..." [/color] She realizes her peculiar slip up and quickly reverts back to a wide and happy smirk. [color=9966CC] "But I wouldn't know, worst I've burned is the top side of a pork chop!" [/color] She chuckles nervously. [color=708090] "Burning things is not fun!" [/color] Taran said, a little exasperated [color=708090] "I ...set my blanket on fire this morning... But i've gotten much better at being able to select what to burn on purpose. Medusa has been amazing at helping me with that," [/color] He said, rather quickly [color=708090] "But, really, it was great to meet you, but I think I really must be going now," [/color] He said, but made no move to leave. [color=9966CC] "Oh, I understand...a man as rugged and handsome as you must have scores of tasks to complete!" [/color] She said in a rather disappointed tone. A small wink is sent in Taran's direction as she bites her lip softly. [color=9966CC] "And scores of women too, heh." [/color] [color=708090] "Um,"[/color] said Taran, his face turning scarlet. [color=708090] "I...don't think...that...has anything to do with....anything. I am going now," [/color]he said, stepping around Sheevi and all but running out of the castle. She continues staring forward, giggling to herself deviously. [color=9966CC] "You can run, but you can't hide.." [/color] , she states before continuing along her path, making sure to sway her hips in an alluring fashion.