[center][h3][color=orange]The twins[/color][/h3] [img]http://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M903bf0db0f73e97009dd97c93ef9ee76o0&pid=15.1[/img] Location: Home then the cafe time: 12:30pm color codes: yellow=the mom red=the dad orange=when both are talking pink=Gage green=Aron Interacting with:sophie [@Ace of flames01], Charlie [@smarty0114], Cassandra [@Caits] [/center] [hr] Aron smiles at sophie. He still isn't fully there to take compliments with confidence, but he appreciated them. [color=green]"Thanks Soph...and we were...held up a bit. Oh and don't worry, no drinking on my end"[/color] He heads off to get working, but focuses a bit on charlie. [color=green]"Oh hey charlie"[/color] Knowing full well Charlie's attention would be on Sophie. He can't help but shake his head, charlie is totally crushing on her...or at least attempting a chase. In aron's mind charlie is failing, and failing miserably at any attempt to win sophie over. Gage seems extremely focused on a dirt spot. Cleaning to almost excess, to the point where he isn;t focused on anything else. That being said, he is completely caught off guard by the hug. He straightens and visibly loosens up a bit. Sometimes all he needs is a hug. [color=pink]"Thanks"[/color] He then tilts his head and focuses on charlie, knowing that cassandra is setting up. [color=pink]"See that memory is why you suck in history"[/color] His arms cross as he looks at him. A faint smile is visible on his face, a rare sight when he starts the day in a bad mood. Gage then tilts his head as if now settling to watch sophie tear into charlie before he goes back to work.