[h1][center][img]http://images.cooltext.com/4644202.png[/img][/center][/h1] [center][img]http://media.giphy.com/media/duv8ufC41yqS4/giphy-facebook_s.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [center] Location: Police Station then Billy's [url=http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lv4e7egKb91r714xso1_500.jpg]House[/url] Time: 5:23am to 11am Interacting With: Parents, Daisy May[/center] [hr] It was just a dream right? Or just a bad nightmare, any moment he would wake up and it would all be over, right? Billy pinched himself, no, he was not waking up from this one. This was his reality now, just another punch that he couldn't walk away from. Just another reminder that world was cruel. His parents had awoken the hidden figure beneath his warm sheets at 5:23, a time now etched in his mind. They told him to get dressed quickly and come downstairs. Billy protested but when his eyes finally adjusted and he saw the look on his mother's face, he knew something was definitely wrong. His mother was a person who always had a smile on her face but now, there were tears in her eyes. Tired as he was, Billy got dressed with haste and met his parents downstairs. Both of them looked awful, his mother's face was red with tears and his dad looked incredibly worn down and pale. He sat down across from them in the living room, he was incredibly nervous. His mind was abuzz with thoughts and why they seemed so... sad. "Billy," his father began, "Your sister..." his voice broke and tears even came to his eyes. "Emily was found dead last night." The room became deathly silent as the young man realized what his father had just told him. It took him about a minute to put it together, Emily was dead. Death means that something isn't alive anymore. Emily is his sister but she was dead, so that meant Emily [i]was[/i] his sister? Oh god, Emily was dead. He broke down, and he cried for what seemed like an age, then he cried again. His parents hugged him closely that morning and he did the same to them, as Daisy May and Tasha waited patiently for some affection too. [hr] It was around eleven when his mother knocked on his door, "Billy, you should come and eat something dear." Billy was laying under his covers, desperately trying to sleep but it did not come to him. [color=gold]"I'm not hungry mom."[/color] Was the only thing he managed to say. His mom did not say anything back. His head felt like it was drowning in sadness and he could only imagine what his parents were going through. He did not have to be the one to call relatives and convey the message even further. Still, he was heartbroken. Emily was his older sister, who had been attending college at Penn State for some type of medical degree. Why hadn't he asked her more about? There was a lot of things he should have done now that he started to think about it. Chief among them was saying goodbye one last time, but it would never happen now. Daisy May jumped on the bed and gave a small meow. His black little kitten walked over to him and nudged his head with hers. She always wanted attention but... did she know? He slowly sat up and looked at Daisy, and she looked back at him with giant eyes. He began to cry softly again and picked her up, holding the kitten to his chest. Her purring was the only thing that sent him back to sleep.