-Sansdyne- As I saw the blinding flash of light, I tried to teleport away, but alas, I was far too late. By the time I had gone to teleport, I was already catapulting into someone else's body, and when I was able to move again, I looked down and saw blue fish scales. I looked up and I then saw that everything happened to be flat. And then I promptly fell to the floor, overcome by the immense weight on my arms and such. I slowly moved myself up and looked at where I used to be, and I saw Aria in my... er... whoever had my body's hands, and I squinted. I smiled and shook my head as I realized who it was by the horribly fake expressions. I knew it was Chen. [color=00aeef]"WelL--"[/color] I began to say, coughing hard. I wasn't used to actually speaking with a voicebox, I was more used to just making sound with an explainable magic. I look way down the room, seeing that it was quite a lengthy hallway, with some type of column at the end. I slowly took a step and fell down yet again, deciding to stay on the floor for a few minutes.