[u]At a Hutterite general meeting, in one of Gottesland's few capitalist colonies.[/u] A young woman sat, talking to an older one, as the men around them concerned themselves with the prospect of building a new barn. "All these men around", the young woman grumbled."With their freedoms, and their institutional power." "What on earth are you talking about, child?", the older woman inquired. "These men", the first spat, "get to stay out later than their wives, they handle all the money, they get a choice of wardrobe beyond a bulky dress, and they get to vote. I see no reason why we women shouldn't get every right that they are entitled to." "Oh my dear", the old woman sighed. "Where do you suppose the money that they handle comes from?" "Well they work for it, of course." "Yes they do, my dear. And hard. Karl, darling!", the old woman called, gesturing to one of the men in the room. "How's your shoulder, dear?" "Ah Missus Muller, still as sore as ever. The doctor can't find anything to help it.", the young man reflected. "Oh you poor dear, will you be taking time off to let it rest?" "Hah!", he exclaimed. "Time off work for a sore shoulder? I'd never be able to show my face around the boys. Besides, the wife's been asking for a new necklace. I'd hate to let her down." "She's a lucky girl, Karl." the old woman praised. "Say, have you seen Adrian?" "No ma'am. He hasn't been back since they recruited him into the national guard." "Oh my! I had no idea he had an interest in the army!" "Small Adrian?", Karl chuckled. "The boy's never been in a fight in his life." "So what got him into the guard?", Missus Muller inquired. "Didn't you hear? The draft's been reinstated. Any able-bodied man could be called." "Now how could they have possibly justified that?" Muller pondered. "Isn't forced service against our constitution?" "In theory, yes ma'am", Karl confirmed. "That's why they passed military service as a requirement for the right to vote. If you're able to vote, you're obligated to serve. I believe they used some old example from the United States to justify it." "Thank you Karl, dear." Missus Muller stated with a smile. "Oh, one more thing. Why do you suppose it is that women can't wear pants, like the men of Gottesland can?" Karl paused, looking extremely puzzled. "Well, why would they? It's not like there's a law against women dressing like men, but it would look ridiculous! I mean, imagine a man wearing a dress! Absolutely deviant! Besides, what would a Gottesland woman need pants for? She's not required to work, so what use would she have for work-clothes?" "I don't know", Missus Muller concluded, with a sly glance at her young companion. "Was just wondering." Just then, one of the other men tumbled to the ground with a hearty thump. As he lay on the floorboards, blood began gushing from his freshly broken nose. "Good heavens!", the young woman screamed. "What happened?" "That man," another of the men boomed, "insulted my wife's honour! He said she spoke seductively to him!" This prompted a roar of protest around the room, prompting several attendees to walk up and spit on the bleeding gossiper, still rolling about on the floor. Having come to terms with the incident, Missus Muller turned around to the young woman again. "It's not as easy to be a man in Gottesland. Are you sure you want their life?" The young woman furrowed her brow, conflicted.