Luna was exhausted, worn. Sleep reached for her heart like a vigilante reaching for a gun. She couldn't remember how long she'd been awake... was it hours, days? To her, it didn't matter, everyday was a nightmare for the girl. Even now, as she sat at her laptop, she was still suffering. [color=6ecff6]"Please —"[/color] Luna muttered, but she was interrupted once again. [I]"Come on, ya know yer wanna go sleep. It'll be fun, I promise ~"[/I] The ever so sickening voice crooned. [color=6ecff6]"No, I won't fall for that again!"[/color] She prompted herself as she continued to scroll through the unfathomable amount of emails she had received. [I]"Spam, spam... Eh, what this be? Oh, more spam."[/I] The voice continued to drone on in the back of her mind. [I]"Don't ya ever get anything other than spa —"[/I] For once, it went quiet in her head. As Luna opened a particular email, it seemed to pique the voices interest. Upon further analysation, she realised that she wasn't the only one. The only one stuck with this monstrosity of a voice. Without further thought, Luna was out the door. With a small overnight satchel slung over her shoulder and a travel case in hand, she quickly flagged the next taxi down.