[center][h3][color=orange]The twins[/color][/h3] [img]http://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M903bf0db0f73e97009dd97c93ef9ee76o0&pid=15.1[/img] Location:cafe time: 12:30pm color codes: yellow=the mom red=the dad orange=when both are talking pink=Gage green=Aron Interacting with:sophie [@Ace of flames01] charlie [@smarty0114] [/center] [hr] Aron can't help but smile at the concern. It was nice to have someone even express concern for his well being. [color=green]"Course Soph"[/color] His tone clearly expressing the gratitude for her having that concern. He straightens out and starts working on his section, but is still in hearing range. His movements are thorough and almost soothing as he goes from place to place. Gage gives a small eye roll at sophia's concern, but like his brother appreciates someone caring. He will not ever admit that though. He goes back to working as well, knowing full well charlie is going to get himself in trouble. Gage stays closer, wanting to hear what happens between the two. Then it happens. Charlie gets a burn so bad he probably won't recover. Both twins wince and slowly straighten to watch. Though gage adds in a smirk while aron just shakes his head. Class A burn. Course before it could really get good, sophie leaves. Damn. Both twins nod at sophie as she exits. [color=orange]"Okay"[/color] With that Aron gets back to work while gage crosses his arms. [color=pink]"Tough break man."[/color] Fully expecting Charlie to say or do something...either that or stand there for a bit. Either way Gage is curious to see what happens in that mind of charlie's.