Posted. Finally. Geez, Free Faller, way to be a slacker. What a butthole... My short excuse is that I was busy. My long excuse is in the hider and should be read at your own risk. [hider= No seriously, you'll probably regret actually reading this.]So, it was like totally Aweena and her entire country's fault. After the US lost out on not one, but [i]two[/i] gold medals in hockey to Canada I just... I went down into my basement wearing nothing but hockey pads, curled up around my hockey stick in the fetal position on the floor, and sang songs about America through my racking sobs. This went on for I don't know how long. Totally lost track of all time. And then after I pulled my blubbering puddle of a self together again I had to wash the taste of shame and despair from my mouth which coincidentally tastes a lot like chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream and tequila... Or my friend needed help moving. One of those.[/hider] But as for the dice rolly, one person thingy... Totally rolled a one. Even giving Cassie bonus points for completely arbitrary reasons in my head I still figured her screwed. I thought a dunk in freezing water and loosing her backpack was a reasonable consequence, but please correct me if I'm totally off. I also came to the realization that, as I am nearing the point where I will start swapping the POV of posts with Cassie and the NPCs from Mackinac, I'm going to have a super hard time not writing in goofy "Cassie style" and adopting what might be considered a normal or more traditional writing tone for the others. I haven't done that in like, forever. 0.o