[center][h3]Order of the Sword - Nero Underground[/h3][/center] [i]"Captain Nero!"[/i], the man draped in white like his colleagues raised a hand. Never did this man think he would be taking up a more intimate role with the Order of the Sword, he would never be as fine a captain as Credo was, he was more a fighter and lone wolf, and still operates like that. Nero stood tall, he didn't look much different, and the formal white didn't seem to suit him even after so long. Strapped on his back was his Red Queen and in a holster by his leg was the Blue Rose. His Devil Bringer was hidden in a long white glove. [i]"A-Ah right... Ms. Dahl has taken to the field sir, our scouts report there are small numbers of demons, including a few that aren't native to appearing here",[/i] [color=0054a6]"I see... So the Seal as I'm told must be back there somewhere... I'll head out"[/color], just as he began to walk, a few of the knights stepped up. [i]"S-Sir! We would like to accompany you!"[/i], they were at attention, there were easily several here. There were probably a few more scouting out in field too. [color=0054a6]"No need, just me is plenty. I'll take care of anything that reaches that seal, if something is already there I'll take that down too"[/color], [i]"But sir... We need to set up a route for reinforcements... And perimeters and-"[/i], his talking was halted as Nero raised his hand again to stop them. [color=0054a6]"Fine, but don't get in my way. Stay behind me alright?"[/color], [i]"Sir!"[/i], and with that, the knights were off. [hr] [center][h3]Underground Ruins[/h3][/center] [@Kafka Komedy] The area through the tunnels were mostly clear... According to some reports from the Order members, there was plenty of fighting. Some demon on demon combat took place, or the Gilgamesh guys, and some fighting was done by Order troops too out of self defense, or it was Maria. Neither mattered as Nero swept through any remaining demons on the way easily with just his Red Queen. From behind Maria she heard a voice, [color=0054a6]"I told you to wait, who knows what could be back there... Then again it wasn't you I was worried about"[/color], it was the others. Unlike him and Maria, they were all normal humans. Despite his informal and somewhat rough leadership he showed to care for others. He stepped up next to Maria who finally reached a strange cavern... Or rather, structure. She finally found what looked like ruins, but not the kind you would expect from underground. It was a vast cavern with some ruins as this entrance, along the edges you could spot ruins just like this one, along with just natural openings. As Nero entered first, he saw someone, and some fairly familiar demons around her, along with ghosts. They stood atop a large pile of stones, Nero could feel his Devil Bringer tingling, there was something about that area in the center... [color=0054a6]"Looks like we're a little late. Demons got here first..."[/color], he said. He wanted to charge in and attack, but he knew more than that now, or rather, he had a duty to those who served him now. A stealthy approach would be taken. [color=0054a6]"I'll circle around the back... The rest of you secure that entrance. If need be, retreat without me, I'll be fine on my own"[/color], he said, and so he did. Using the ruins as cover he circled around, observing what was happening... The one in the center looked mostly human, but she was most certainly a demon with the way those Fausts were around her, plus those strange ghosts... What were they? If this was the seal, then would those ghosts be protectors of sorts? They didn't look completely friendly to that demon.