[center] [Img]https://media.giphy.com/media/ecFNs236osqgo/giphy.gif[/img] [color=ea7e5d][h3][s]Anastasia[/s] Allison Psomas[/h3][/color] [i][u]Location[/u]:[/i] Faraday Heights 29A – Tube – Hospital [i][u]Interacting With[/u]: [s]Her Father[/s] A non-consequential phone call. [@Silent Observer] Suriel. [u][i]Mentioned[/i][/u]: [@MiddleEarthRoze] Zoey[/i][/center] [color=#ea7e5d] “Anastasia, come home.”[/color] A man said over the phone. [color=#ea7e5d] “It’s Alison now.”[/color] She said feeling his tears through the corded telephone that wrapped itself around her false ego, constricting it. [i] “I didn’t raise an Alison.”[/i] He said, his own ego clearly not constricted like hers. [i]“And I didn’t raise a woman who would leave her family.”[/i] His voice dripped cheap whiskey and club soda. [color=#ea7e5d]“Could be said that you didn’t do much raising at all.”[/color] Alison said, the chord giving way as her ego inflated. [i]“You don’t respect what I’ve done for you?”[/i] Her father asked, Anastasia. But Anastasia wasn’t there right now, Alison was. [color=#ea7e5d] “Goodbye.”[/color] She said, letting the chord snap back violently taking the phone, and her ego with it as she grabbed her blanket and covered herself with it. She shook lightly but tensed her muscles and stopped herself. Not today, not for him. She silently apologized to Zoey for the noise of the phone clattering against the ground, her father’s muffled voice saying some incomprehensible insult to her. She didn’t want to hear it, nor did she feel like he’d want her to in the long run. She probably owed him enough to not listen to his drunken rants. She rolled over towards her window in order to fall asleep but her eyes widened. She glanced back at her clock, it flashed 12:00 AM. [i]It fucking flashed.[/i] [color=#ea7e5d] “God damn it all.”[/color] Allie said quickly rolling out of bed and grabbing some underwear – [i]quickly.[/i] She leapt into the corner of the shower, hot water that was undoubtedly too hot for comfort quickly reddened her skin. She rushed the prerequisite scrubs, soaps, lotions. She leapt out of the shower to grab her towel. [i]Towel.[/i] [i][b]Towel[/b][/i] She didn’t bring a towel. She immediately seized a hand cloth and got to work. By the time she was running for the tube, sandwich hanging out of her mouth and bag with scrubs in hand she was ten minutes late and sweating profusely. Allie’s body temperature was very typically much higher than the average person and while she didn’t feel too warm she did manage to sweat a lot. She had to commonly pack a spare pair of scrubs and casual clothes to work as the Hospital’s heating was on pretty high during the winter. She managed to get to the tube almost immediately before it departed taking a spot on a seat and relaxing laying back onto the window behind her. She took a bite into the sandwich that was still resting in her mouth, catching it in her right hand as it fell. She munched on it and began to truly realize how tired she was. She had gotten home the night before from work around midnight, practiced her guitar until about two in the morning and had begun to fall peacefully asleep in the nest she had created for herself. That was when her father called, they spoke for longer than she should’ve let him but it was the first time they had spoken since she had left that night. It was hard to hang up on him. She told him about what it was like living in an apartment, how she had met Zoey, put herself into nursing school, starting a co-op there, working at the hospital. Allison gripped her thigh roughly. [i]Stop it girl.[/i] Her palms had begun to heat up. She immediately got up off of her seat and walked into the bathroom, shoving past some people with her hands in her pockets. She slammed the door shut and quickly used her wrist to lock the door. Jamming the tap on full blast and sticking her hands underneath the water. Steam arose in the room as she quickly shrugged her jacket off of her back and blew the steam back down into the sink as best she could to not trip any alarms. Through the wall, she could hear someone listening to the news, most likely on their phone. [i]“Werewolf… Killed in captivity… Helsing Manifesto…. YouTube.”[/i] A chill ran up Allie’s spine as her hands cooled down. It was beginning. Others were being hunted, they were officially [i]too[/i] different. It was when they stopped being considered human that all hope would be lost. Screw the fact that werewolves were raised in homes in the same countries as the people who would eventually hunt them, some others weren’t even aware of their status. Some were just humans who had delved deeper than some. That was just how it worked in today’s society. This is why Allie did not believe in a higher power. She arrived at work and immediately started stripping her normal clothes off when she hit the locker room and noticed one of the residents enter the locker room. [color=#ea7e5d] “Morning.”[/color] She said quietly nodding to them in her skivvies. She quickly put her scrubs on and walked over to them. [color=#ea7e5d] “Hope your shift went well, I’m running late though so we’ll catch up soon, yeah?”[/color] [hr]   [center] [img]http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t486/isthistaken1/Raguel-3-small-speed.gif[/img] [color=#7083db][h3]Ryan Croft[/h3] [/color] [i][u]Location[/u]:[/i] 14 Pratchett Road, Faircourt [i][u]Interacting With[/u][/i]: [@Roosan] Nicodem Kaminski Mention of: Low Key [@Silent Observer][/center] Ryan plunged into his breakfast once it was in front of him. But all the hunger in the world couldn’t have distracted him from the problems they were already having. He gently rubbed his cheek and inhaled deeply. [color=#7083db]“This Helsing thing may have to overtake ‘Low Key’ for now.”[/color] He drawled quietly. [color=#7083db]“I’ll get someone onnit maybe I’ll take a rook in tonight and figure somethin’ out. If I do I trust your good with the run of the precinct?”[/color] Ryan asked, carefully scooping up a spoonful of baked beans and chomping down on the spoon. [color=#7083db] “Nico… I need you to understand somethin’ that’s rather important to me.”[/color] Ryan said, his southern accent echoing off the walls as he gently put the spoon in the bowl resting it on its lip. [color=#7083db] “Nothing is the same anymore, if shit hits the fan and you got someone out there, or somewhere you think you oughta be… You should go whenever you feel the kitchen gets too hot. I ain’t going nowhere, no one’s waiting on for me – but you don’t owe me shit for how bad this could end up.”[/color] He said picking his spoon back up. While this was a rather normal conversation – perhaps between two cops, for Ryan and Nico, this was a first. The two of them kept it as business, or nothing. Pleasantries, sometimes, making meals for one another, typical. Talking about this kind of personal – business was just… Not usually necessary. Neither of the men had much of a love life to speak of, Nico wasn’t aware of Ryan’s status as an Archangel, and furthermore Ryan had no one else but Nico in his personal life. The only other thing Nico didn’t know about Ryan was how much he longed for something… Personal. It was a strange catch-22. Ryan couldn’t get personal with someone – and it wasn’t just because he would outlive most stars in the galaxy. He just didn’t [i]look[/i] at them. He didn’t see people. He saw these little matches that were in danger of going out that he had to protect from the storm outside, which he couldn’t protect from the storm outside. Bringing that into a relationship, it was ludicrous it was unfair and it was wrong. Besides as far as others knew, he was some young in-over-his head kid from Texas. [color=#7083db]“Let me know when you’re ready, I’m good to pick up whenever y’are.”[/color]