Just when Gabanre was done with his game, he got an email. The email stated that he was not the only one with someone in his mind. (Flashback) Gabanre awoke from a long sleep, when suddenly someone started talking in his mind. "I am you, and you are me" was spoken. He tried talking with the Voice in his head. He said:"Who are you, what do you mean." And thus the demon Disaster explained everything. He knew he could make disasters willingly and unwillingly. (Now) In the email there was a castle which he could come to. So he went out. He took his Ferrari 430 and drove away. He started talking to the demon within. "So there are more of you demons." They had an conversation about the demons. Gabanre was bored and thus he tried his to create a Disaster, Gabanre was always a pure sadist and thus he tried an car accident. The one in the car would not die, but just get hurt. And it happend. Gabanre could feel the pain of the one who got hurt. (a few Hours later) Gabanre was in front of a gigantic castle. Waiting for others to arrive.