It was quite a striking surprise to see a Castle that seemingly was non-existent in normal society. It was inside her own mind she questioned whether or not it always stood there. [i]"Now now, darling... Our kind has a tendency to bend reality. Tamela thinks you are slightly influenced."[/i] She let out a small smile to herself, casually standing on one of her leg with a hand on her wist looking towards the wooden door that towered over her. [i]"I see we have company. Much to my dismay... I had wished for a calmer date between us both."[/i] She turned behind her to see six others approaching the gate. [i]"It is disappointing that such noble Death would inhabit a 13 year old boy in some form of identity crises. I prefer stable and righteous ones like you, love."[/i] "Heh." Magna scoffed as they stood around her proximity. The lady simply took her gander at the six before her with a solemn smile and penetrating pupils. "Hello. I take it that you all have a voice inside of your head?" She commented bluntly. Her pleasure was interrupted by a synthetic voice. "Welcome to my castle. My name is Griffin. I have much to tell you. Please come inside. I have set up a table with refreshments in the great room. Follow me and I will share what I know." Magna's mind was noticeably shaken as she heard the announcement-- did something inside of her brain just snap? The feeling nearly made her retch but it seemed as though Tamela had prevented her from sickening further. [i]"Listen to me carefully dear. That voice you heard-- that was the voice of the demon of Secrets."[/i] Magna was finally able to regain her composure. "And they are the--?" [i]"It knows everything, in essence. It knows about me and them. Extensively. There's no secret that could be hidden from it."[/i] Tamela seemed to be losing her composure now. "Sorry Tamela, but you sound like you're expressing--" [i]"The demon of Wrath fears nothing, mortal rat!"[/i] It had sent a shot of pain inside of her head, causing her to pull herself back and hold onto herself before it quickly dissipating. Had Magna overstepped herself? [i]"I'm... Sorry. Let's get moving. It doesn't like being kept waiting, love."[/i] She looked up briefly to see if the others had gone and proceeded towards the Great Room with hint of discomfort from the pain earlier. "Wh... Whatever you say." She looked behind her as she travelled-- presumably seeing the great door calmly closing behind them as they travelled deeper into its vestibule.