A feeling of latent apprehension washed over her. Not an overbearing, sickening feeling, it just felt like today could be the day, and the thought was acknowledged, simple as that. The castle stood before her, the great bastion of her future. A majestic, architectural feat with the potential to reach the skies, to challenge heaven itself with its turrets alone. [I]"Phah, looks like Secrets struck lucky with his host!"[/I] Applauded the voice in her head, who was seemingly impressed by the whole building. As usual, Luna was silent, inconspicuously observing the other arrivals. One of them was a young lady, much like herself. She wore a vibrant silk kimono accompanied by a traditional fox mask, which was either purely for decorative or held some sort of purpose. The other host was even younger, an adolescent boy that look to be in his early teens. Everyone was pretty much quiet, that was until another male host spoke up. She'd listen to his introduction as he attempted to make himself acquainted with the small group. [color=6ecff6]"M-My name is Luna..."[/color] She spoke hesitantly, still cautious of the other arrivals. Ever since Nightmare had inhabited her head, she had pretty much become a recluse, so it was difficult for her to be around such a large crowd by her standard. [I]"Aye, looks like we're all 'ere. This calls for a celebration, don'tcha say?"[/I] Nightmare mockingly cackled.