[sub]Collab featuring [@Meiyuki][/sub] [center][h1] [color=00aeef]Lorelai Von'Strauss[/color] & [color=#DBFFFB]Elina Ruvina[/color][/h1][/center] Lorelai wandered through the castle gathering the supplies she'd need to renew the wards. She needed salts soaked in various substances known to please the infernal lords she was calling on to aid in the defense of the caste, rubies which were said to resonate with the sanguine impulses of the pit, and last but not least a large portion of her own blood. She smiled wryly, at least she carried one of those wherever she went. She was also hoping to run into either Vespa or Elina, their mastery of blood made inscribing the complex sigils required for the binding trivial by comparison to using her own hand. Vespa was the usual one to aid her, for obvious reasons, but she'd been up late last night. Besides, Lorelai was hoping to pry at what might be bothering the silver haired Elina anyway. Her footsteps eventually came to a halt outside Elina's door. She knocked firmly. [color=00aeef]"Elina, it's Lorelai, I was hoping for your assistance this morning."[/color] For such a shy occupant, Elina's answer was quick. The door opened almost immediately after Lorelai's rapping, although the first eyes she saw were blue: that of Luna's, whose furry white head peeked around the corner and made a curious meow. However, the second pair of irises were crimson and unmistakably Elina's. The silver-haired witch took a moment to regard Lorelai, before pushing the door further to reveal her entire form. She was still dressed in her bed robes, and had a sleepy look about her. [color=#DBFFFB]"Lorelai?"[/color] her voice was soft - not quite a whisper, but faint in another way. [color=#DBFFFB]"May I help you with something?"[/color] [color=00aeef]"I was hoping you'd assist me with renewing the bindings laid into the castle."[/color] Lorelai favored the sleepy witch with a small smile. [color=00aeef]"Genoveve and Laina were kind enough to gather the reagents required last evening. Without proper sleep however, I fear my hand might be shaky. Would you mind?"[/color] She waved her hand a bit. [color=00aeef]"It can of course wait until you've gone about your morning preparations."[/color] [color=#DBFFFB]"Oh,"[/color] Elina visibly hesitated, and rubbed her forearm. Meanwhile, an uninterested Luna snuck back into her room. [color=#DBFFFB]"Oh, well, I guess I could help with the wards. Please give me some time to finish my morning tea and dress properly for it."[/color] [color=00aeef]"Meet me in the lounge outside the library when you're ready, and thank you."[/color] Lorelai flashed a somewhat sleepy grin and turned to leave. Lorelai unpacked and began organizing her supplies once she arrived in one of the many spacious lounges scattered throughout the castle. She was currently seated in a high-backed leather armchair that was entirely to soft for her current state. Doing her best to shake off her fatigue she surveyed the one wall in the castle that remained unadorned. Well, it seemed adorn. The grey stone wall was covered in fractal glyphs and sigils in dragon's tongue. Even with the magic diminished they still pulsed a deep red, in rhythm with her heartbeat. This was one of her finest works, and it would not have been possible without the wealth of lore Medusa had collected over the years. Or the Blood Moonstones consumed in it's creation, also provided by her mistress. Once she'd sorted her supplies Lorelai leaned back in her chair and resolved to rest her eyes a bit until Elina arrived. Luna was the first one to peek through the doorway, as usual. The cat always heralded the arrival of Elina as it always walked several paces in front of its master as a sort of vanguard even within the safety of Castle Bloodrose. The little creature gave a small, nondescript meow towards the powerful witch before making way for the ghostly figure that was its master. Elina was dressed in truly formal attire, corset and all, sporting black cloth, white frills, and blue ribbons. Her bearing was even more refined than her sister's - she walked like a queen, with her chin held up, even though he did not mean to. Her gait was graceful, and her aura was pleasant - yet, reserved. Her red lips, stark against the rest of her pale skin, curved into a faint, polite smile as she approached. [color=#DBFFFB]"Hello, Lorelai. What needs to be done?"[/color] Lorelai's eyes fluttered open and fell on Elina. She considered the difference between their attire. While Elina was dressed gorgeously, appropriate for any and all ballroom affairs, Lorelai sat in her traveling leathers. Lorelai couldn't even remember the last time she'd had a reason to dress up, other than for Vespa, and that was usually her undergarments. Perhaps she'd take a leaf from Elina's book and dress extravagantly once in awhile for no perceivable reason at all. Then again, the Ruvinas were beautiful young witches, and she was an old nightmare with a youthful form, maybe it was better if she didn't try to play the former. [color=00aeef]"Ah, Elina, no need to be so formal. Although you look lovely as always."[/color] She sat up yawning. [color=00aeef]"If you wouldn't mind I think I need some coffee before we continue."[/color] She gestured to a chair nearby. [color=00aeef]"Please, keep me company lest I fall asleep again."[/color] Sousiel, ever the anticipator of her mistress' needs, brought Lorelai a steaming cup. [color=00aeef]"I'd like you to ensure some ritual blood remains in highly complex sigils long enough for me to perform some spellwork. Also if you'd manage the other reagents while I handle the will-work I could complete this ritual with minimal difficulty."[/color] a bald faced lie, but it would be [i]relatively[/i] easy with her aid. Lorelai took a sip and smiled. [color=00aeef]"So, what's new in the exciting life of Elina Ruvina hm?"[/color] Elina gratefully took the offered seat, bowing her head slightly in thanks as she sat. Luna then immediately jumped on her lap, and soon enough, the cat was being cradled, spoiled in its master's arms. [color=#DBFFFB]"Nothing much,"[/color] Elina replied, [color=#DBFFFB]"unless you count yesterday. Running away from werewolves and all."[/color] It was rather clear from the tone of her voice that she wasn't in the mood for small talk, but whether from a distaste of her own powers or social anxiety, not even she herself knew. [color=#DBFFFB]"What needs to be done?"[/color] [color=00aeef]"Renewing the pact that ensure the castle remains safe."[/color] Lorelai sighed. [color=00aeef]"Is something bothering you Elina?"[/color] [color=00aeef]"Your sister worries about you. Sometimes too much I think, but you have seemed unhappy of late."[/color] Lorelai looked at Elina, smiling softly. [color=00aeef]"I think you're a wonderful young woman, and seeing you so out of sorts pains me. I wish you'd share whatever burdens you so with me. Whatever you tell me will stay between us, I promise."[/color] This sort of interrogation was exactly what Elina had tried to avoid by discussing business first, but her brusque way of doing so evidently appeared to have backfired. She held her personal issues dearly, almost jealously, private, and the silver-haired witch would only trust her sister with them. Oh yes, Elina had been a member of the Coven now for quite some time, but it seemed to her that she never developed friendships with the others, and they turned out to be mere acquaintances. So it pained her quite a bit when she saw Vespa conversing happily with Alexina, finding love in Lorelai, and becoming respected by everyone else. Of course, she would never, ever have admitted this. [color=#DBFFFB]"I'm fine,"[/color] she said. Her mask of lies was recently untried, but it was more or less adequate, especially as she smiled. [color=#DBFFFB]"I'm just prone to a bit of melancholy, that's all. You're right about Vespa - she really does worry too much about me. I assure you, though - I am quite fine."[/color] She breathed in deeply, shoring up her composure. [color=#DBFFFB]"Now then, what exactly needs working on? Are we strengthening specific wards or doing the entire collection? I will have to,"[/color] she gestured with her hand, pausing, [color=#DBFFFB]"prepare the appropriate sacrifices in either case."[/color] In her fatigued state Lorelai almost considered pressing the issue. She had an eye for pain, and while Elina's face betrayed nothing, her eyes didn't quite match. A witch's, or a woman's, problems were ultimately their own however. While she wished Elina would accept Lorelai's outstretched offering of aid, she couldn't force her to. She didn't have to keep her frustration to herself either though. [color=00aeef]"Whenever you decide to talk to me, feel free. I'll be here a long time I imagine."[/color] [color=00aeef]"But enough of that. We're essentially rebinding the entire matrix."[/color] Standing she gestured to the wall. [color=00aeef]"This manages all of the pacts and sub pacts that compose our defenses. It also provides the power to each. This will be no small task, but you'll measure up to it I'm sure."[/color] She quickly finished her coffee. [color=00aeef]"Sousiel, clear the area."[/color] Elina stood up, and walked to the wall. Slowly, she reached up to feel the many grooves upon its surface. Her fingertips tingled as her magic brushed against that of the Castle's. A warmth began to seep into her limbs as her hand lingered there, and this alien feeling was stirring up the most raucous thoughts within her mind, all involving blood, domination and blades. The most disturbing mental image was her about to be taken - raped - by a sort of minotaur, until the Castle remembered that she, in fact, was a member of the Coven, and promptly withdrew its probing tentacle from her mind. [color=#DBFFFB]"What power,"[/color] Elina whispered, more than just a little shaken. [color=#DBFFFB]"What terrible power,"[/color] she said again, in the lowest tone she could manage, before turning to Lorelai. [color=#DBFFFB]"I will need... a stag. A fine one that has duelled against many other bucks and won, and mated with plenty of doe. If its fur is white, then much better. Any powerful creature that could symbolize strength, determination, and domination would do, but I don't think there are any lions nearby. Ah, bears would do fine as well. Of course, a sickly one wouldn't do."[/color] That she was even able to be this eloquent came as a surprise to Elina. She was only just beginning to comprehend how the Castle willingly - if it even had its own consciousness, and at this point she was convinced it was so - and purposely violated her sacred privacy. A flurry of emotions stirred within her chest, but outwardly she was as composed as ever. There was anger at the wards and seals, but this died down to a feeling of helplessness. The protective magicks of Castle Bloodrose were inscribed and ratified in that most primitive of languages where words were understood by their intent as opposed to their literary meaning - Dragon Tongue. So what was she expecting? Another emotion was disgust, mainly at herself. She still did not fully understand the gravity of it all, but the image was so clear in her head: thrown to the ground in the nighttime forest by a bipedal monstrosity, her clothes ripped apart by savage claws that even opened wounds; the beast spreading her legs open, and she moaned, for the love of God! She wanted it to take her! Her fingers tingled again. Immediately, she withdrew her hand from the wall. Her face was unmistakably flushed with an incredible blush. She cursed herself for not being able to look at Lorelai in the face. The humiliated sigh that escaped her lips was a deep one. [color=00aeef]"Sousiel, bring the stag Alexina retrieved last week in."[/color] With a bow Sousiel set of as soon as she'd finished moving the furniture away from the wall. Once Sousiel was gone Lorelai turned to Elina. [color=00aeef]"I don't recommend touching it, I'm sorry for not warning you."[/color] She walked up and laid her palm on the wall. Rather than violation, the twisted power laid there by her own hand called to her. It spoke to that dark part of her, the one that dreamed of blood and bone. She stood in a field surrounded by twisted corpses, around her squatted her demonic servitors feasting happily on the flesh of the fallen. It felt good, that white hot rage, the devastation, so much untapped power. It whispered to her to unfetter herself, to let out the pain and rage, and to watch the world burn beneath her. She shivered and pulled her hand away. These weren't thoughts she wanted, but harbored deep in her heart anyway. They'd stay there as long as she had will enough to keep them there. [color=00aeef]"It's disgusting isn't it?"[/color] She sighed. [color=00aeef]"The twisted dreams of the Adversary?"[/color] Elina had picked up Luna again, and the cat was having a fine time burying its head into her elbow. [color=#DBFFFB]"The Adversary?"[/color] [color=00aeef]"The Lord of Illusions, the church calls him Satan."[/color] She took a deep breath, centering herself again. [color=00aeef]"Bound here, in part anyway. Inscribed into the walls with my own blood. I often wonder how disgusting that makes me."[/color] She stared with wide eyes. [color=#DBFFFB]"You bound the [i]Devil[/i] into the castle where we eat, sleep and bathe?"[/color] Roused from its master's fearful tone, Luna looked up and meowed inquisitively. Elina stroked the cat till it settled down again. Lorelai arched an eyebrow at Elina. [color=00aeef]"You haven't felt him until now. That is because I also blinded him."[/color] She gestured to the wall. [color=00aeef]"Here you can feel his twisted dreams, but I've no interest in controlling the Devil, as you say, rather harnessing his power."[/color] She laughed wryly. [color=00aeef]"I'm not quite up to the task of binding the whole of the Betrayer to my will anyway. I'm evidently only black souled enough to manage this."[/color] Elina gulped. This reminder that Lorelai was entirely leagues beyond her, was a forceful and unwelcome one, so she settled upon bringing up a topic that was only slightly less distasteful. [color=#DBFFFB]"So what I saw, and what you saw, were Lucifer's dreams? Odd,"[/color] she said. [color=#DBFFFB]"Have you read the Book of Sirius? Oh no, the only extant copy is within my family's castle. It was considered to be the most blasphemous work ever presented to the council at Nikaea and so it never got into the church's current version of their Holy Book. Somehow, somebody managed to save a copy when the scrolls were burned and it ended up in Castle Ruvina. It was written by a very powerful magician, so very long ago."[/color] [color=#DBFFFB]"He walked with the Devil here on earth, and approached Lucifer not asking for power, but for answers. Essentially, the magician interviewed him as they walked across the desert sands. Anyway, the whole book made me think of the Devil as a tragic character who longed to be in Heaven again, and wished to atone for his sins. But you know what?"[/color] She glared at the wall, and her voice rose to an uncharacteristic choler. It was loud, even. [color=#DBFFFB]"I'm sure now that it was just propaganda. This wall gave me the most horrible vision, Lorelai! I cannot even begin to describe how disgusted it made me feel."[/color] Lorelai nodded. [color=00aeef]"I'm truly sorry for that Elina. What I know of the Devil comes from my own pilgrimages into the inferno, and the notes left behind by Solomon which I actually left in the library when I arrived if you'd like to read them."[/color] [color=00aeef]"As for a tragic figure, I suppose I can see it. We don't always get to choose what we are, and our mistakes can't be erased. I doubt he ever wanted to be the way he is now, and long has lost the power to change."[/color] Lorelai smiled sadly. [color=00aeef]"Hope flees only when one can no longer see beyond their current situation, and no longer can reach out for help."[/color] [color=#DBFFFB]"Well,"[/color] Elina sighed, still feeling rather hyper. [color=#DBFFFB]"If he can try to rape me in my own mind and be so chummy about it, then maybe he can go to Hell, and to the abyss with him and his hopes and dreams. Oh wait."[/color] And at that, she giggled. It was at her own joke, but it was the very first time Lorelai saw the silver-haired laugh in front of her. [color=#DBFFFB]"Sorry,"[/color] Elina said, recovering her elegant bearing with ease. [color=#DBFFFB]"That was unbecoming."[/color] [color=00aeef]"Not at all. I rather enjoyed the sound, I'll just have to figure out how to make it happen again."[/color] She grinned. [color=00aeef]"And you're quite right about Satan, fuck him."[/color] Sousiel finally returned with the stag, it was a huge beast. Gleaming white in the rays of the sun filtering in through the windows, its rack curled nearly to the top of the room. "One blood sacrifice mistress, would you like me to prepare your tonic?" Turning to Sousiel. [color=00aeef]"Yes please. Take your time Elina, I need to mentally prepare for what is to come anyway."[/color] Elina nodded. So the time had come, and she was feeling more than just a little nervous. Maybe it was because the creature that stood near the doorway was taller than her even without the horns, or maybe it was the trusting way the stag looked at her, its eventual murderer. Either way, she startled herself with the clarity of her own mind as she easily reached to her waist and pulled out a dagger. The torchlight made the exquisite steel gleam the moment the weapon left its sheath. She opened her arms, as if beckoning it to an embrace. [color=#DBFFFB]"Come here,"[/color] she said. Elina could feel Lorelai's eyes on her the entire time. The whole room was silent as the stag made its way towards Elina, crossing the area from end to end. Its gait was slow and somewhat awkward, almost doe-like to the witch, and instead of walking with its head held high, it did so with its snout mostly pointed to the ground. Why was this so? Perhaps she had imbued a little too much magic into her words when she had told it to come over. The stag stopped about three paces away from her, and Elina let her hands drop to her sides. The stag looked up at her shyly, and snorted with animalistic respect. Elina blinked, and began to pace around it. It was easily taller than her by a few inches, a veritable giant of a deer. Its fur shone healthily, and it had been moving with a restrained strength the entire time. And it would have been holding itself with a regal bearing had the witch not poisoned its mind with fear and temptation. And yet, it was still a majestic beast. Elina Ruvina wondered if it would look just as proud when it was lying on the cold, stone floor in a pool of its own blood. She gulped. She had circumambulated fully, and the wooden handle of her dagger felt oppressively solid to her. She had to do it now, or Lorelai would think of her as a coward and a failure and undeserving and pitiful and an idiot. Lorelai walked up to the stag. She sensed Elina's hesitation, and found it endearing if impractical. Maybe she could give her another way to look at this. [color=00aeef]"You've been king of the woods for a while haven't you?"[/color] [color=00aeef]"This is Elina, she's a sister in my Coven. She needs something from you today."[/color] Lorelai gestured for Elina to come around. [color=00aeef]"She needs your power to help me protect our little family."[/color] Lorelai patted the mighty stag's head. [color=00aeef]"You understand that don't you? You've sired quite a few fawns in your day I'm sure."[/color] She gestured towards Elina as if to present her. [color=00aeef]"She's a good soul, and I'm sure she'll honor your sacrifice."[/color] [color=00aeef]"Sorry, I just wanted to explain why this had to be done, to give him the honor he deserves. There's no weakness in that."[/color] She stepped away from the beast. Elina bowed towards Lorelai, her expression somewhat tense, despite her efforts not to appear so. [color=#DBFFFB]"Thank you,"[/color] she said, [color=#DBFFFB]"but please, don't do that again."[/color] She looked towards the stag. [color=#DBFFFB]"Raise your head,"[/color] and it did so, exposing the lighter fur of its neck. From its superior point of view, it was looking at her, almost expectantly. Elina reached out and caressed its cheek. Her smile was a pained one as she returned its simple, naive stare. [color=#DBFFFB]"Don't move, okay?"[/color] Then, with other other hand, she plunged the dagger square into its throat. It did not squeal, and it did not buckle, not at first. It instead, closed its eyes, trying its best to follow Elina's directive. The cut was deep, and her thumb was brushing its rapidly redding fur. Thick, rich blood, almost maroon in color, flowed down her hand to soak into the cuffs of her elaborate dress. The stag gurgled, and its legs twitched as respiration suddenly became an awful lot harder for it. Then it opened its eyes, and looked at Elina. And it broke her heart. It drove her to tears. And yet, somehow, he found enough will and clarity of purpose to retrieve the dagger and plunge it again in almost the same area. With tears streaming down her face, she heard something of a cough or a scream - perhaps a mixture of both, she did not know. The hand that was caressing the deer's cheek suddenly found itself pushed away as its chin impacted her wrist. Somehow, the stag's snout remained stubbornly in the air, even trying to twitch itself upwards. Blood was flowing freely now, in a constant river that turned the animal's entire chest crimson and which sprayed all over the silver-haired witch. The stag closed its eyes, once, twice, before looking at Elina again, this time almost at eye level. [color=#DBFFFB]"Don't look at me like that!"[/color] she pleaded, as she retrieved the dagger from the new wound. [color=#DBFFFB]"Please!"[/color] Perhaps it was no longer thinking straight. Maybe, with the shock of injury, the stag was no longer capable of hearing her at this point. Either way, with its hooves beginning to slip as its body began to go limp, it continued hold its stare with Elina. The witch saw nothing but trust, and loyalty, and contentment and it disgusted her to no end. So she stabbed it in the same eye. The blade easily burst the organ and reached the brain further in. There was a loud noise as the once proud animal fell, and a smaller one as Elina dropped to her knees. The dagger was still firmly lodged into the skull of the animal - she had lost her grip. Her breathing was haggard, and her usually serene face was fixed with one of panic. There was a massive pain in her chest and she brought her blood soaked hand to it, yet no thoughts or actions could ease the pounding drumbeat of her aching heart. She looked away from everything. Like the blood flowing into the grooves of the castle's stonework, the energy of the stag's death was pouring into Elina's soul like a waterfall cascading down an abyss a thousand fathoms deep. Her crimson eyes suddenly seemed brighter, more healthy - but perhaps it was just a redoubled onset of tears. Yet, she did not sob. Elina Ruvina, undeserving of the title of Blood Witch of the Crescent Moon, was simply too dignified for that. [color=#DBFFFB]"I d-don't like killing,"[/color] she stammered, not looking at Lorelai. [color=#DBFFFB]"I- I'm n-not like you."[/color] She breathed in. [color=#DBFFFB]"I'm n-not l-like you people. B-but, k-kings and..."[/color] her voice drifted away into incoherent muttering. [color=00aeef]"Kings and Queens do what they want, the rest of us do as we must."[/color] Lorelai's voice was hard, and angry. [color=00aeef]"We're not so different, what manner of monster do you think I am that I would enjoy killing?"[/color] [color=00aeef]"What do you imagine? Do you not think I weep inside for my victims? Why do you think I make offerings of my own body? My own blood? My own spirit!?"[/color] Her voice had risen throughout until she was nearly shouting from the top of her lungs. She breathed deeply, calming herself. Lorelai's voice was small as she continued. [color=00aeef]"We're not so different you and I. I don't want to kill, but if I'm to keep us all safe what choice do I have?"[/color] [color=00aeef]"I hadn't imagined you'd think of me, of us, that way Elina. I'm sorry, you needn't worry about aiding me again after we finish this if you don't want to."[/color] [color=#DBFFFB]"No,"[/color] Elina said, closing her eyes. [color=#DBFFFB]"No."[/color] Luna was meowing fiercely at her, demanding an answer for something too complex for her feline mind to comprehend. Elina ignored the cat for once and stood up, shakily. She was still holding a hand to her aching chest, but somehow - surprising herself yet again - she found enough of herself to look at Lorelai dead in the eye. [color=#DBFFFB]"I,"[/color] she began, [color=#DBFFFB]"Am Elina Ruvina. I come,"[/color] she paused, [color=#DBFFFB]"from a long line of powerful witches. I..."[/color] she coughed. [color=#DBFFFB]"I cannot bear to be a disappointment before my ancestors any longer. And before you, most of all. I will help you,"[/color] she said, but even though she meant for her tone to be full of resolve, her hesitation was still palpable. [color=#DBFFFB]"I hate being weak,"[/color] she said. [color=#DBFFFB]"Please, let me help you. I don't want to... I don't want to be a failure anymore. I can do it. I've,"[/color] she forced herself to look at the stag's corpse, [color=#DBFFFB]"I've had enough of my escapism!"[/color] [color=#DBFFFB]"So please,"[/color] she looked towards Lorelai again. [color=#DBFFFB]"L-let me help you."[/color] [color=00aeef]"There is no weakness in feeling pain, only in burying it."[/color] Lorelai smiled. [color=00aeef]"You're no failure, and I know you can do this. I wouldn't have asked otherwise."[/color] [color=00aeef]"Witches are still human too, to think otherwise is to place entirely too high of expectations on yourself."[/color] She patted the girl's shoulder. [color=00aeef]"So cry as much as you need, and share your pain as you need, you're not alone. No one could face this alone."[/color] Sousiel arrived with a small vial and handed it to Lorelai. [color=00aeef]"Now, if your preparations are complete we're nearly poised to begin."[/color] It took some time for Elina to compose herself, and by the end of her weeping - which took only a short time, surprising herself yet again - she looked dreadfully tired. Her eyes were bloodshot and quite swollen. Yet, the rest of her was looking quite fine, save all the drying blood marring her dress. She was sitting on a chair, and had tried to get Luna up her lap, but the cat would simply not deign to ruin its pure white fur with icky deer blood. So instead it was sleeping peacefully in one corner. [color=#DBFFFB]"So,"[/color] she began. Exhaustion was apparent in her voice. [color=#DBFFFB]"Where do we inscribe the sigils and how do we begin the spells? I know next to nothing about that wall."[/color] Lorelai laid out four small braziers, each filled with a different offering, before the wall. [color=00aeef]"You'll press my blood against the grooves carved into the wall already, but it must be perfect."[/color] She struck a long match and kissed the flame to each of the braziers in turn, each one began to burn a different color - red, blue, purple, and finally a sickly green - once that was complete she pulled a chair to face center of the wall and took a seat. [color=00aeef]"I'll need you to ensure that the fires remain lit as well."[/color] She drank the contents of the vial Sousiel had brought her. She grimaced as the foul liquid slid down her throat. Removing her ritual dagger she rolled up her sleeve. [color=00aeef]"Whatever you hear, whatever you see, remain calm. I'm here with you, and won't let anything happen ok?"[/color] With that she opened her wrist, blood began flowing from her incision in steady rivulet. The cut also released a small tendril of black smoke, more proof of her demonic heritage, it coiled into the air at an almost sinister pace. The tonic Sousiel had brewed would ensure she didn't bleed out, but that didn't mean she didn't expect to get close to it. [color=00aeef]"Whenever you're ready."[/color] Elina promptly stood up and made her way towards Lorelai. Her expression was firmly stoic as she stood in front of the more powerful witch and let a hand run down from the inside of the latter's elbow down to her wrist, to let her fingers brush against the blood. When she withdrew her hand, Lorelai's blood, too, rose, as if tethered to Elina's fingertips. The blood witch stepped back until she had almost reached the wall, and was about to ask Lorelai if she was sure of this, but she decided that she'd had enough of hesitation for today. So she drew more blood, and Lorelai's severed veins were more than willing to comply. Elina expertly split her five ropes of blood and tethered them to her other hand, making it appear that she was some sort of demonic puppet master, with Lorelai's wrist being her puppet. She turned to the wall then, and studied its myriad grooves and sigils for a time. Then she stood at the very center, where the symbols all appeared to sprout from or perhaps converge into, and gingerly touched the middle rune with both of her hands. Elina then willed Lorelai's blood to fill the grooves. The resulting exponential mass movement of liquid reminded the young Ruvina of an illustration she saw once, in a book about agriculture and irrigation. Except here, the ditches were being filled with the blood of her friend. Friend? Elina found some time and effort to contemplate upon that. Controlling blood like this was an easy task. Was Lorelai really her friend? Or were they still acquaintances? What did a friend even mean? Elina shook her head. She'd never had friends before. The people she met when she lived among the common folk didn't count, because she lied time and time again to get their shallow friendships, and she was thinking of how best to murder the best of them the entire time. Thank you, Mother. [color=#DBFFFB]"But anyway,"[/color] she muttered. Time to focus on the task at hand. Once the last groove was filled with her blood Lorelai instructed Elina to stand aside. [color=00aeef]"Do not look directly at the wall while I perform the spell, and do not let the fires stay out."[/color] Time for the hard part. With so much of her blood laden in the right sigils the border between worlds was thin. Even now she could hear them whisper, the hordes that awaited beyond the brimstone veil. Once Elina was safely to the side Lorelai began calling out in Dragon's Tongue. Guttural words that man should never know, much less speak, poured from her throat. She compelled the way to open, for contact to be made. So it was. A small hole opened in the center of the wall as it seemed to fall into an endless abyss, then that hole widened slowly as more and more of the wall crumbled and joined the rest. As the gate to the inferno widened wails could be heard from the tortured souls within, dark thoughts assailed her as demons reached out to test her will, and through it all her chant continued. The room darkened as the abyss yawned deeper and deeper, she caught small glimpses of landscapes bathed in fire or ice, twisted bodies sat impaled by spikes atop the great citadel of brass. Finally the room grew cold as her portal finally reached its destination, the deepest layer of the inferno. She saw him there, the Betrayer, his maws chewing the screaming forms of traitors. One of his many faces turned towards her. It spoke in a voice composed of the rending of flesh and shattering of bone. "Lorelai Von'Strauss, come before me again. You seem tired, are you sure you're up to this dance again?" It let out a hideous laugh. "Perhaps you'll simply offer me something this time, maybe that little doll there? I believe she's got a date with a minotaur coming yes?" The fires were snuffed out, and the room began to melt. Elina was shaking. She was holding Luna so close and so tightly that the cat was meowing in pain. She heard voices, many voices - some of them tempted her with promises of peace and pleasure, while others expressed nothing but a desire to kill and rape her, in that order. She was in the corner, eyes shut fiercely closed, and when the fires were snuffed, a strange sensation, like the world falling apart, came upon her. Fear set in, but the urge to do something was stronger. The witch stood up from her crouched stance and risked a full turn, to look upon Lorelai. [color=#DBFFFB]"Lorelai!"[/color] she cried out. [color=#DBFFFB]"Are you okay?"[/color] Lorelai stood atop a mountain of broken bodies, each bore the face of a person she loved, or a person she cared about. Vespa's face looked up at her wherever her eyes fell, her glazed eyes burning an accusation into her mind. Medusa's face smiling, Alexina's disappointment, Elina's... Elina! She was still here! Pushing the betrayer out of her mind wasn't easy, but her will was still strong. She built a staircase of bone and blood towards light. Lorelai's eyes opened to the room again. It was beginning to twist, soon they'd both be in the abyss, and at the Betrayer's mercy. [color=00aeef]"Elina! The fires!"[/color] Elina heard her voice and thought fast, but her movements were faster. Today was a day for surprises for her - she did not even know she could act with such swiftness. She threw her arms forward, hands open and her palms facing forward, before willing the stag's blood all over the four braziers, turning the ichor suddenly into oil, and setting the liquid alight. Red, blue, purple and green flames sputtered into life once more, but the witch accidentally stared into the center of the portal. She felt a pain in her heart. No, it was not quite like the pain she felt when she killed the stag, but it hurt just as bad, and it clung fiercely to her chest. Her breath caught up in her throat for an instant as she saw the outline of a shadow forming against the backdrop of a clear, impossibly white sky, as if the entire heavens were nothing but the sun. The shadow coalesced into something solid in front of her, forming a shape that was unmistakably that of a hooded person's, whose hand, she found out, was extended towards her chest, to hold a dagger in place there. It felt real and unreal at the same time. The room shifted between maddening scenes. She could hear Luna meowing crazily. She [i]felt[/i] the shadow speaking to her. It said, [color=red][i]"I do not like being called a,"[/i][/color] but it would never finish the sentence, as the strength of the four braziers became too much, and the room regained its sanity. The illusions disappeared, and Elina could breathe normally again, and the dead deer's head was no longer looking her way. Elina was more confused than fearful at this point, and she was down on the ground, sitting on her rump. [color=#DBFFFB]"Lorelai?!"[/color] she cried out helplessly. [color=00aeef]"Brilliant! It'll be over soon I promise."[/color] Lorelai resumed her chanting. ting. Her chest burned with white hot rage, she screamed her dominion in Dragon's Tongue. Words of binding, of tyranny, and ownership. Chains began to form on the figure beyond the portal, snaking their way up and around it's cyclopean mass. It screamed and struggled against them, but it was too late. Lorelai's will wound through the Betrayer's essence like coils of iron, and soon the very thought of opposing her made even the King of the inferno sick inside. Finally it lowered its eyes, the first to look away, and with the sound of rushing air the portal snapped shut, revealing the wall once again. The glowing blood, imbedded into the wall now, was far brighter. Lorelai's breath was ragged with fatigue, she'd spent too much of herself here and would be feeling it for quite sometime. Already tendrils of pain were working their way up her spine. [color=00aeef]"Elina...are you...ok?"[/color] She managed between labored breaths. [color=#DBFFFB]"I don't know!"[/color] Elina said, [color=#DBFFFB]"But you aren't!"[/color] The silver-haired witch, who by now looked thoroughly ragged, rushed to Lorelai's side. The demon binder was clearly out of it, paler now that she had lost blood, breathing haggardly from the ordeal she had just surmounted. Elina shook her head at Lorelai's audacity. She was pretty sure, or maybe she was crazy, that the woman actually told the Devil that he belonged to her. [i]What a crazy life this is,[/i] she thought. Elina grabbed Lorelai by her shoulders, closed her eyes, and focused inward. She called upon a massive boon, one that was sure to exhaust what was left of Marcus' energy that roiled angrily within her soul. It had been festering there for some time, and that small part of his essence appeared to remember the indignity of its situation and the ultimate sin that had been committed against it. She toyed with it sometimes in her mind, but as she called it out from within the bowels of her heart, she reached out with two symbolic hands and crushed it entirely. A deluge of energy came to flood her arms and legs. She tightened her grip on Lorelai's shoulders to the point where her nails were biting the woman's skin even through her clothing. Elina opened her eyes, and funneled all of this energy into Lorelai in the form of newborn blood and regenerated, invigorated tissue. Through her fingertips, Elina could feel the latter's weariness going away, but there was just too much energy, and the entry point was too small. So she repositioned herself in front of Lorelai, leaned down, and kissed her. Later, she would see this as an entirely embarrassing affair, but content herself to the fact that she wasn't thinking straight during the time. What she could not give to Lorelai through her hands, her was giving with her lips and tongue. Elina wasn't blushing, probably because she had no idea what she was doing. When the last drop of positive energy trickled down, Elina pulled away, glad to see Lorelai suddenly, well, healthy again, even if she was judging just by the massive blush alone. Elina beamed. Perhaps she was still confused. [color=#DBFFFB]"Now you're alright."[/color] Lorelai was drifting off into a dazed sleep, wondering rather calmly if she was dying, when she felt a familiar sensation of lips on hers. Smiling she returned the kiss happily, and when her lower lip was brushed by Vespa's tongue she allowed it entry. She felt energy flowing into her restoring her damaged body. Dampening, even suppressing, the twisted energies she'd invited into her essence. The sensation was euphoric, when did Vespa learn this trick. Opening her eyes Lorelai looked into...Elina's... Her eyes widened in shock as the silver-haired witch pulled away, a small thread of saliva still connecting their lips for a moment. Heat immediately rushed into her face. [color=00aeef]"T-thank you."[/color] Elina was beaming at her happily. Even Vespa would be blushing at this point, what was going on? Lorelai decided not to think about it. [color=00aeef]"You did an excellent job Elina. I think I may have over done it a bit?"[/color] She was having trouble not thinking about it. Elina continued to remain calm. Her expression was that of a mild smile, and a slightly cocked head. That had been her first kiss, she thought, and she brought a finger to her lips to confirm a few doubts and to better remember those hazy feelings. She stared deeply into Lorelai's eyes, her cheeks becoming rosy only now. [color=#DBFFFB]"Hey, Lorelai?"[/color] Lorelai's head was swimming. Maybe she was still wounded, but she couldn't seem to properly order her thoughts, why would Elina kiss her? Her blush only deepened as she responded with a voice calmer than she felt. [color=00aeef]"Yes Elina?"[/color] Lorelai found her shoulders taken again, as Elina leaned in once more. Her whispered breath was hot against her lips as the silver-haired witch said, [color=#DBFFFB]"Keep this a secret?"[/color] There was Elina again, scattering Lorelai's already confused thoughts into corners where she wasn't confident she'd ever find them. [color=00aeef]"As you wish."[/color] She didn't know how to explain this turn of events even if she had wanted to. It was a mild brush of the lips at first, tentative, almost. Then she grew in confidence and Elina fully pressed her lips against Lorelai's once more. There wasn't much movement on her part, unlike the first time, and when the tongue came, it was Lorelai who initiated. For the virginal Ruvina, the feelings that stirred within her chest and flashed within her mind were curious little things, but were by no means unpleasant. She wanted to explore all of them, so she wrapped her arms around Lorelai and put more of her heart into the liplock, passionately pressing and twisting and dancing her tongue against her partner's own. She was embarrassed, but her curiosity was stronger. It was some time before it was sated and her confusion was gone, before she pulled back. And she panicked. [color=#DBFFFB]"Don't tell,"[/color] she said. [color=#DBFFFB]"Please don't tell anyone, especially not Vespa!"[/color] As Elina pressed her lips to Lorelai's again her swirling thoughts found focus, just the wrong focus. She deepened the kiss at every opportunity, exploring the young witch's mouth without restraint. Lorelai was somewhat disappointed when it ended. Eyes twinkling with equal parts lust and madness Lorelai replied. [color=00aeef]"Of course, but if could explain to me how this happened?"[/color] [color=#DBFFFB]"I, uh, was curious?"[/color] Elina flushed deeper, and put her hands over her chest. [color=#DBFFFB]"And, I was putting too much energy into you but the entry point was too small. My hands - my hands weren't enough, you see? And then I remembered that blood magic could do things with intimacy so I just went and kissed you?"[/color] She gulped. The witch felt like a cat that had been kicked around and been made fun of. As if in response to this thought, Luna came meowing at her ankles. [color=#DBFFFB]"Sorry I made you cheat on Vespa!!"[/color] she finally screamed, with her eyes shut closed. Lorelai laughed, her voice was still sultry as the lust wasn't eager to leave her body or voice. [color=00aeef]"I'm sure Vespa would understand the first kiss at least, I doubt she'd be thrilled, but she'd understand. The second however I think you may have damned me with."[/color] She sighed. [color=00aeef]"Kisses are two way streets Elina, I wouldn't have let it happen if..."[/color] Lorelai trailed off. Elina crouched down to pick up Luna. [color=#DBFFFB]"Anyway, cheating is wrong,"[/color] she said, her voice firmly resolute, but uncharacteristically shaky. [color=#DBFFFB]"We shouldn't do that again! Okay? Promise."[/color] [color=00aeef]"Of course, of that we agree."[/color] Lorelai attempted to stand, but failed miserably. While she felt no pain, which was miraculous, her body had become frail. [color=00aeef]"I don't suppose I could trouble you to help an old witch to her bed could I?"[/color] [color=#DBFFFB]"As much as I am loathe to touch you anywhere again, I guess it can't be helped, huh."[/color] Elina said sorry to her poor cat as she set her down again, and lifted up Lorelai with a small boon of strength from the sacrificed stag. As she carried the older witch in a humiliating bridal style, she searched the very bowels of her being for that spark of Marcus' soul, only to find that yes, it was gone forever, because she had used it to heal this demon binder in her arms and kiss her afterwards. Change was a strange feeling. Perhaps it was because Elina had been raised in a castle where everything was more or less the same day by day, but she welcomed Marcus' absence with a resigned acceptance that was entirely foreign to her. Moving around with purpose, as opposed to her frequent, aimless walks in the forest, also felt good, somehow. She wondered if she was more confident about herself after her most recent trials. Perhaps not. What a day, she thought. Her mind wasn't usually this scrambled, and she was sure she hadn't yet grasped the gravitas of everything that had happened, from killing the deer to Lorelai talking with the Devil himself, to kissing Lorelai. Or maybe, they were not such big events in the first place, and that she could actually do what had just occurred every day, and that life was simpler than she thought it was before. Maybe, if she could literally stare at Hell and come out still sane, then catching up to Vespa was not such an impossible notion. Those were her thoughts as she gently laid Lorelai down on her bed and more or less tucked her in. Luna tried to jump up to join her but she was swiftly retrieved by its owner. [color=#DBFFFB]"I'll make sure you'll get the care you need,"[/color] she said. Her voice was no longer faint - it was stronger now, only slightly so, but the change was noticeable. Perhaps this ghost of a witch was slowly evolving into something more, into a wraith perhaps, to become a champion worthy of bearing her ancient name: Ruvina.