~[color=00a651]Mo'Rahv VI[/color]~ ~[color=007236]The Campsite (Mountain Summit)[/color]~ Mo'Rahv's head shifted downwards, looking at the cobbled stones that littered the grass on this mountain top. Mo'Rahv's face turned a grim expression, It was hard to discern whether this man's words were genuine or not, but if they weren't why would he go through all this trouble of the campsite on a mountain? Mo'Rahv thought about it more, and ultimately believed the old man, thinking of what he said. Having a handful of people of the power of eternal life would have major ramifications on both society and the world. Also, to even acquire this power, the mana used would need to be nigh limitless. Where can one find such a power? There is no way one simple Iwi women can handle such a burden of magic. Mo'Rahv raised his clothed hand to his forehead where he'd wipe away the sweat that's been building since the old man started speaking. Mo'Rahv straightened his back and looked to the others, "Naturally we must stop the Iwi women. But the means of doing it will be nothing short of difficult..." Mo'Rahv pondered at loud as if he was talking to someone. But, at every pause he would quickly continue speaking. At first, he was speaking to the group of people by the fire, but as he continued to speak it slowly turned into his thoughts. Move finally hushed himself, and looked at every, noticing there was a newcomer to the fire. It was obviously to late to take out his weapon and ask if he had ill intent, so he just left it. Mo'Rahv now stood up from the kneeling position he'd taken during the story, feeling the cracking of his bones as he straightened. "I am Mo'Rahv the VI of Ravhiarra, I shall gladly lend my blades to this cause. If it is the only means of stopping a future Tyrant...than so be it." Mo'Rahv said to the old man sitting next to the fire, giving him a genuine bow.