[color=fff200]"Okay, how many fingers am I holding up?"[/color] Sethlan blinked, lifting up his goggles with his free hand and squinting to get a better look at the former royal scientist's hand. [color=007236]"I count...four!"[/color] Sethlan concluded, looking somewhat pleased with himself. Slowly, he started to push himself up to a sitting position, his head swimming from the sudden change in elevation as the scientist looked for an icepack in her voluminous lab coat. He was pretty sure he might have had one as well, so he started digging around in his tool belt for one, idly looking about to see where his sword had run off to. [color=ed1c24]"What is your name, young one?"[/color] the former king asked Sethlan as a couple extra muffins fell from the pangolin blacksmith's bag. [color=ed1c24]"And I must ask, but why did you charge at the human like that?"[/color] Sethlan was a touch perplexed at how he would answer and tried to buy himself some thinking time by haphazardly stuffing a muffin in his mouth. As he chewed, he pondered his next words carefully. He of course knew about King Asgore back from when he lived in the Underground. He had spent a lot of time with the captain of the guard back then, and she always spoke highly of his gentleness and kindness. Any other day he would have bragged about what a talented fighter he was and how much he'd done for the forces of good, but even in his shell-shocked little head Sethlan could tell that Asgore wasn't exactly happy with him being there, so he decided to embellish only a teensy bit. [color=007236]"My name is Sethlan, your majesty!"[/color] the pangolin announced, puffing out his chest heroically. [color=007236]"I heard about Frisk going missing so I came to help save him. I didn't intend to attack the human of course, but I thought she had attacked me first, so I went in to heroically subdue her! I almost caught her but I guess she...outmaneuvered me."[/color] He turned a bit red at these words, hoping he hadn't been nearly knocked out by something demeaning like a low-hanging tree branch. --- Peering over Skylar's shoulders to read the note, Undyne only got up to something about a tree before a bright flash suddenly obscured her vision. She made a small irritated noise and rubbed her eyes, her irritation distracting her from the unusual texture of her hands. As her vision restored itself, Undyne peered around the hallway suspiciously for anything amiss, but besides a few of her companions looking confused at what had happened nothing seemed too suspicious. The first indication that anything was amiss was when Papyrus started screaming. Turning to look up at him, Undyne wondered what he was so- [i]Wait, since when was Papyrus TALLER then her?[/i] As Undyne stared up at him, she noticed something odd about her hair and pulled it down to get a better look, only to find that it was an inky shade of black instead of its usual red. With a shock of horror, she realized that 'her' hand had changed too, now a pale shade of white instead of its usual blue! Eyes widening in horror, she suddenly became acutely aware of how different her body felt now, how the clothes she was wearing didn't feel like her usual jacket and jeans anymore. She wasn't her usual awesome self anymore, but what WAS she? The mirror! Rushing as fast as her weaker legs could carry her, she sprinted past her confused friends and dove for the mirror that was lying on the ground. Looking into it, she saw not her own face but that of a scared looking human, the blue-eyed human boy Chen. [color=0072bc]"Noooooo...."[/color] she whimpered, pulling at her unusual new hair out of anxiety. [color=0076a3]"I'm...I'M A WIMPY NEEEEEEEEEEEEEERD!"[/color]