[@Aurrorian] [B]NPC: Bus Driver A and Generic Crowd Members of No Import[/B] "Um ... um sure." The reply from the bus driver Kiritsugu was shaking down for free Wi-Fi was hesitant, distant, for the man was staring at the scene of the accident with an expression of shock and horror plastered upon his paling face. It was a truly horrific sight, and the presence of the sixty-four robots organising before his wide eyes, their own sickly golden optics flashing in unison, really only added to the eeriness and terrifying situation. It was for this reason, coupled with the declarations by the two rabble-rousing and sketchy-looking delinquent teenagers (probably troublemakers who would never fit into society, hmph ... would have been the thought of a housewife or two) that the crowd assembled around the crash slowly began to retreat, unsure of whether or not the truck would really explode, or if the danger that those suspicious-seeming robots could pose was really severe enough to hurt them. Then the optics of each of the drones seemed to blink off. Back on. Yellow light continued to flicker through the descending dust. Their engines growled to life. As if they were ... readying for something.