Kosara was walking through the desolate village in the countryside. It consisted of maybe 40-50 houses, but tonight it was devoid of life. People and animals, all was gone and a complete silence reigned absolute. Her sword was already in her hand as she was pouncing around the village with playful smile. She knew they were here, there was a reason this place was dead after all. Finally as she had jumped on top of the well in the middle of the town center, a figure appeared just behind her, swinging a scythe looking weapon[b].” There you guys are, I was thinking you all were too shy to meet me!”[/b] She said as she blocked the weapon and followed with a slash straight through the attacker as more demons appeared. Sloths... she smiled widely and swung her sword once through the empty air.[b]” Since everyone is already dead, I might as well go nuts for once without worrying!”[/b] She said with a childish grin and started her most favorite activity in the world – decimating demons with her favorite combat style. The fact they were slow, served perfectly for her to charge up her attacks as she went... About an hour later, the demon hunter was standing tall on top of the well again, looking at the moon with a happy expression as her phone rang.[b]” Yeeeeeeees!”[/b] She answered it happily. Listening to the voice on the other end, she threw a look around the village one more time. There was only one house standing right now and it had a huge hole in one of it's walls.” Yes, I'm free! Will be there~” She whistled and jumped drown from the well and started walking towards the trainstation. There seemed to be a party going on in Barlour and she wasn't going to miss it! [h1]Barlour city [/h1] The demon hunter had answered the call to arms from the organization as she thought was right. Sure enough she arrived in Barlour, but what she found wasn't exactly what she expected to. From the get go she had started to work because of the unnatural increase in demonic activity around the city. Things were frankly well beyond normal... as much as a normal was a factor in this world really. She was briefed quickly on the happenings around the city from a handler and off she went to kill demons. [b]“Aweee... don't be such a downer... you will hit me next time~”[/b] She giggled as she jumped over a dullahan and avoided his attack. Demons sure were getting bolder, this thing had appeared in a park.[b]” ...or you wont!”[/b] She added as she used the chance to strike at his exposed back. Couple of attacks now, a couple at the next of his attacks and the dullahan was gone.” That wasn't so bad...!” She smiled to herself before she spun in place, taking a look around with semi confused expression. [b]“Only one dullahan?”[/b] She mumbled to herself, looking around the area. The area felt rather barren in comparison of the number of enemies that should appear. It felt almost like the area was left with only a token presence... She knew something else was going down in the old tunnels. Sure there certainly were more demons out and about, but down there seemed like the bigger party. She smiled as she started running towards the nearest entrance into the Subway. From there it was rather easy to sense the huge concentration of energy pulsating from one direction. Sure enough she dashed towards it, running through the metro tunnels until she found herself a a part that was heading away from the concentration of energy. After some stumbling around she found that another tunnel existed under her. She could have probably cut a hole with her sword, but using the gauntlet seemed like less work... Probably the only thing she used it for – breaking walls. [b]“Hoooriaaaaa!”[/b] She shouted as she slammed her armored fist into the ground, concrete crumbling, but not creating the opening she wanted it to... She cringed before smiling wildly and punching it again. Dust and chunks of concrete flying around as the hole was made!(along with even more collateral damage!). Jumping down into the hole, she found herself into one of the many old tunnels so she headed in the vague direction where she felt the energy.