[b]KYL-9XX, Inside the tunnels[/b] [color=39b54a]//Mission_Statement: Find and protect 2nd seal, assist Gilgamesh operatives //Distance_to_energy_source: Approx. 0,4 miles[/color] The silence surrounding the cyborg would soon be filled with the noise of gunfire. The mephistos stood all around him, waiting for an opening to attack, but KYL-9XX was not about to give them a chance. Thanks to his Chetaah module, his movements were too fast, his shots too many in number to miss the abominations from hell. His mission statement was simple, and it wouldn't take much longer to reach the seal. it was the first time the cyborg had to face supernatural beings, but to him that didn't matter. After all, they died just like hundreds had before to his superior arsenal, they were just a lot uglier than the targets he was used to engage. He took out the first two with a barrage of shots, the third and last one he took on in close quarters. His speed allowed him to reach the creature in an instant, and a few good punches sent it flying against the brick wall, then it slid to the ground. Terminated. KYL-9XX scanned the area to make sure he didn't spare a single enemy. His readings showed that the source of energy wasn't far ahead, and stowing his gatling gun away he proceeded down the tunnel. A distress signal manifested in his ear. Apparently a troop of Gilgamesh operatives was under heavy fire and requesting assistance. The cyborg weighed his two options: Assist the friendlies taking fire, or keep going and finding the 2nd seal. His calculations decided on the latter option, the troop would habe to wait or get ouf of that mess on their own. After a few more turns, he found an opening with a feint green light shimmering through. As he entered the room, he took notice of everything inside the massive hall he was now in. In the middle, standing on what seemed to be floating stones, was a woman in pink. The cyborg realized she had shadows all around her, some of demonic origin, others didn't allow for a clear analysis. His readings showed that she stood at the center of the energy source, which meant that she was an obstacle between him and the seal he was meant to protect. Further scans revealed that the woman wasn't the only one present: Two individuals seemed to be circling around the room, conceiling themselves from sight behind stones and rubble. One was emitting weird signals, mixing both human and demonic readings. The other one was even stranger, as KYL-9XX was unable to analyze its origin. Unsure about who was an ally and who was an enemy, KYL-9XX decided to stop and wait for further developments before engaging anyone. [color=39b54a]//Located: Energy Source, possible hostiles //Status: [/color][color=ed1c24]Waiting---[/color]