[center][color=green][b][u][i][h1] Sigrdrífa Rylo[/h1][/i][/u][/b][/color][/center] Sigrdrífa tilted her head curiously. It made sense in that twisted sort of sense that riddles did. Juniper seemed violently opposed to the next logical conclusion but Sigrdrífa didn't think the concern was valid. [color=green]"Now now, no need to overreact. I believe we have at least a mage with us no? Most mages have the ability to create fire from what little I know of magic. Therefor does it not stand to reason that we should put out the torches? If the answers to the riddles form a command than it would form something along the lines of, 'torches something embrace darkness'. If nothing happens we have lost nothing, if it is the answer than we have advanced."[/color] Having outlined her arguement in a logical manner Sigrdrífa fell silent. Personally the darkness was not such a thing to fear in her opinion altogether but that was a matter of personal preference. Sigrdrífa held her torch angled towards the wall suggestively, as though she were to grind it out against the wall, and awaited a response to her suggestion.