[center][color=0076a3][h3][color=violet]ANA MOORE[/color] and [color=662d91]VERA VOLOSHYNA[/color] [/h3][/color][b]BARRACKS, NEW ANCHORAGE[/b][/center] [hr] When the door finally shut, Ana let herself [i]scream.[/i] It wasn't a fearful one. She sounded more like an angry cat than afraid. [color=violet]"WHO DOES HE THINK HE [i]IS[/i]?"[/color] she didn't care [i]who[/i] heard her in that moment. [color=violet]"IS HE [i]STUPID?[/i] I TOLD HIM LIKE.. How many times?"[/color] Ana stopped screaming to think about it for a second, then went right back to it, [color=violet]"LIKE [i]SIX[/i] TIMES?"[/color]Ana leapt off the bed to get the pillow laying on the bench and hurled it back to the head of the bed, sitting where Graham was with a huff. [color=violet]"He's a DICK, like you SAID. DICK. DICK DICK [i]DICK[/i]"[/color] Ana wanted to kick something, or punch something, but she didn't. She just let out another wordless scream and crossed her arms, huffing. Before Vera could begin to say something in that beat, she inhaled deeply, then shouted [i]again[/i],[color=violet]"AND HIS NAME IS STUPID TOO. WHAT PARENT NAMES THEIR KID AFTER A [i]CRACKER?[/i] LIKE AT LEAST EVERYONE ELSE HAS A NAME THAT SOUNDS LIKE A [i]NAME![/i]"[/color] Vera was quiet throughout Ana's rant, watching the door after Graham had gone. She was more surprised than relieved with how...smoothly everything had gone. The man was calm from start to finish, but she figured that was to be expected. It was his house, his rules, he didn't need to scream and shout, he didn't need to be violent or angry, he'd get what he wanted anyway. By the time Vera was done introspecting, Ana's hair was a mess and she was panting. She looked at Vera when she was done, looking like she might've gotten it all out. Maybe [color=662d91]"We gotta go see the doctor,"[/color] Vera said. [color=violet]"SCREW THE DOCTORS!"[/color] Ana shrieked. Apparently she [i]didn't[/i] get it all out. Vera took up Ana's hands, trying to calm the younger girl down. Ana had went to yank her hands away, but then Vera spoke,[color=662d91]"We gotta see'er soon, and we've gotta do it when Percy and Lizzy can't stop us."[/color] [color=violet]"Or I just won't do it!"[/color] Ana snapped, [color=violet]"I don't WANT to do some stupid test where they're gonna shove me in a stupid box and I pilot some stupid robot! I'm not gonna do it! It's not happening! Dad doesn't want me to, and I don't want to!"[/color] [color=662d91]"There won't...this is just the test to see if they can...if you can even go [i]in[/i] the box. They can't make you do anything else, but if we fight this, what if your dad does something? What if he gets in more trouble?"[/color] The redhead girl stopped, her thoughts still in a tornado of anger, but she still stopped. Vera was quick to sieze the silent opportunity. [color=662d91]"It'll be easy, like Graham said. It's just a test, no pain, no nothing, and then you'll never have to do it again. But Percy, Lizzy, they're old, they're dumb, they might do something stupid and get in trouble. We gotta make sure that doesn't happen, sometimes [i]we[/i] have to make sure [i]they're[/i] okay."[/color] [color=violet]"Dad said that it wasn't my job to make sure he was alright,"[/color] Ana replied, her voice considerably calmer now. She had tried to help Percy feel better when she was younger, trying to convince him to tell her what was wrong, but he gave her a little speech about how it's the adults' job to protect the kids, not the other way around. She still worried when she noticed her father come in looking frazzled, but she didn't interfere. It was adult stuff that she didn't need to worry about. [color=662d91]"Sometimes..."[/color] Vera paused, and for the longest moment of her life debated finishing her sentence. [color=662d91]"Sometimes people love each other enough to lie to them...to...keep them safe. It isn't your job to make sure he's alright, but sometimes we have to do it anyway, because we love them too."[/color] Ana didn't respond right away. She wasn't sure how to process the information Vera had given her - either cause it was just a little over her eight-year-old head, or maybe it was that she was just drained from having so many emotions in one day, or maybe it was something else entirely. She just nodded to show she heard, then layed down on the bed, holding the pillow she had launched at Graham. [color=violet]"Adults are weird."[/color] Vera threw herself down onto it as well, letting out a long, exhausted breath. [color=662d91]"Yeah, and sometimes they're real [i]dicks[/i]."[/color] [color=violet]"I hope we don't end up like that."[/color]