[centre]-Delcastle-[/centre] [centre]-Afternoon / day 17 / LvL 12-[/centre] Delcastle kept a straight face at the accusation of his team. Granted the archer would need to be very skilled to make it in a game designed around sword fighting and bulky monsters. It was about reaction time and accurate attacks, dodging lethal blows and delivering counter attacks. Offensive weapons such as his own Lucerne or Cineras Katana gave you a lot of control over fights, but the bow was a whole new kind of hell to go through. But the memory of the hill standing archer picking off targets with ease and familiarity left no doubt that Tailpin was skilled. With a group between him and the monsters now, the man would shine as never before. Taking your time to attack the most vulnerable points was not something a solo player, especially an archer, would be able to do. [color=6ecff6]"I expect your shock at having a skilled archer, and I understand your doubts, but rest assured he is more than capable. The game specializes in kiting enemies using various mechanics, dodging and slows for one, and Tailpin has demonstrated the aptitude to use them. Now. With our business finished, I will be gathering my team and will meet you at the gorge entrance when you are up to it.." [/color] Delcastle gave a respectful bow to his elder and turned on his heel to the entrance but stopped. [color=6ecff6]"If your friends need more time, message me." [/color] A quick swipe of the menu and a friend invite was sent to not just Smarter'n'me, but the sleeping brawler loafing on the chair. Delcastle departed the tavern without rush, aware that Cinera and sapphira were both still inside, but just as well that they get some rest still. It'd been a long night and was shaping up to be a very long few days. Supplies wise if they went on the raid it was completely capable of being completed with what he still had available, the others had items of their own too for the excursions to the woods. Maybe they would go to the gorge and familiarize themselves with the native mobs swarming the lower parts of the cliffs, get a pattern formed. Where to put Tailpin came to mind and realized that if something spawned behind him, the poor guy would be its first target.. In the middle then. Cinera would have to bow out of combat to provide watchful eyes to the flank incase anything strange happened. Del could cover the distance quickly and prove rotation while Tail, Bulwar, and the others, took down current targets. Delcastle brought up the menu and as he gingerly walked the avenues, half-heartedly looking for Tailpin or any of the others, he rattled off some brisk replies to merchants asking for items. One of the rare times he refused to provide service. A reassuring of 'regular business in the future' was tacked onto the bottom of the message and sent off. A second set of personal Messages were sent to his other crew members, and for Emperor / Sapphira. [@Destinystar] [@sif] [@pockets] [@lightbox] [@Haeo] [@pyrodash888] [i]MEET AT THE GORGE OPENING PATH BY SUNDOWN OR EARLY THE FOLLOWING DAY STILL WAITING ON MORE PLAYERS FOR RAID BRING CAMPING EQUIPMENT AND FOOD / REPAIRS EXPECT DELAYS ON RETURNING TO TOWN[/i] The route to the opening would not take more than a few hours, a straight line path to the twisting paths of the gorge thankfully was available. Regular monsters would include the standard Stray dogs, wolves, a few Alpha Bulls for which the town gots its name were seen to the gorges proximity, and a lot more boars ranging from levels 5 to upwards of 10 in the gorge proper. Nothing they could not handle. Delcastle made sure nobody was around to see him as he ducked into an alleyway and exhaled a long breathe of exhaustion and fear. Fear that he was dragging these people along suddenly for a suicide trip. Fear for his brother most of all.