The day started with the melodic tunes of a song filtering from a phone that lay on the floor. The notes steadily rose in pitch, drilling through slumber and dream. It continued on for several seconds, then, from the tangled bundle of sheets and covers that were spread across the adjacent mattress, a single arm emerged and began groping towards the source of the irritant. A loud grumbling sound, originating from the bed on the other side of the room, joined the song, and then both were brought to an end. With the auditory state of the room returned to desirable silence, the arm retreated to its haven. For several minutes the mound remained undisturbed, then a shape began to push upwards near the upper edge, finally breaching through to the surface. Sophia blinked blearily, rubbing her eyes as she yawned, then collapsed back onto the bed. She remained there for several more minutes, grumbling internally to herself about the inconveniences of waking up. Reason and habit eventually won out, and she roused herself again, disentangling herself from the pile of sheets and slowly making her way to the basement stairs. The sole occupant of the kitchen when she arrived was her uncle Joseph, sipping on some tea as he studied his tablet. He glanced up when she arrived, and pointed back to the stairwell. “Rules, Lady. Put a shirt on before you come up.” Sophia paused, then blew a breath through her lips and returned to the guest room that she shared with her mother, digging a t-shirt out of a basket of dirty laundry. Now at least minimally clothed, she returned to the kitchen and gave her uncle a mock presentation, as if to say ‘there, happy now?’ Joseph gave his niece a cursory glance, then returned to the article on his tablet. “Better.” His dry tone, and the smirk on both their faces, suggested this interaction was an almost daily ritual for them, one that had been oft repeated over the years. A subtle breach and enforcement of the rules. The rest of the morning proceeded in silence, as Sophia prepared her own breakfast of eggs, toast with cheese and jam, and a sliced up apple. Joseph remained seated for a while longer, then slipped his tablet into his backpack and made his way to the front door. “See you later, Lady.” Sophia gave him a lazy wave, then rubbed her eyes again and returned to her meal. Cleaning up and slipping back down stairs, she changed into her running clothes and slipped outside, tying up her hair in a ponytail. The air was rather brisk, and the sun was little more than a sliver on the horizon as she stretched. Donning a pair of headphones and selecting a playlist, she shoved her phone into the back pocket of her shorts and set off at jog. Six laps around the neighborhood later (she normally did five, but had felt like pushing herself that morning), she was walking back home, now thoroughly drenched with sweat, when she spied Richard banging on her front door. A sly smile crossed her face, and she began creeping up behind him. She paused only when the door opened, revealing her aunt Kailey. She pressed a finger to her lips, and her aunt smiled. “A little early in the morning to be making so much racket, don’t you think Richard? Sophia’ll be here in a moment.” Before the boy could answer, Sophia pounced, leaping onto his back and nuzzling her cheek into his neck, humming contentedly. [@pockets]