[center][img]http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/bensundeitestutho/All-StarMarvelAMN_zps743a0cc0.png[/img][/center][h2][center]All-Star Marvel: Audax Mundus Novus [/center][/h2][center][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/76031-all-star-marvel-audax-mundus-novus/char#post-2362193]Post all accepted sheets here.[/url][/center] Welcome true believers; welcome to [b]All-Star Marvel[/b], an intoxicating land where creativity for creativity's sake can take priority and enable you to render stories and events you could only have dreamed of in all of your previous mundanity. We welcome you to a unique narrative opportunity to take any Marvel character character and re-imagine them in a way that makes them pleasurable for you to write unique and original stories with. In this universe no events in the main Marvel comics continuity are considered canon. It is entirely contained within the forum and within your imagination. Am I over-egging it? Perhaps. It's still pretty cool to see. Whether you're one for emotional drama or a sucker for physical trauma, the vast range of characters available could fit any genre or any purpose you could reasonably imagine. Is your interest piqued by a fresh interpretation of [i]Bruce Banner[/i] that you really wanna try out? Own it. Love Thor but hate that darned old hammer? Sling it. Think that The Whizzer is in need of a drastic revival? That's good too. No-one is off limits here. Not even Doop. As long as they have appeared in a canonical Marvel tale on either the page or the screen they're free for refurbishment. Here, the MARVEL UNIVERSE is yours to mold. [hider=Character Sheet][b]Player Name:[/b] [b]Character You Wish To Play:[/b] [b]Moral Alignment (Hero, Villain, Walking the Line):[/b] [b]Affiliation (what group/team/organization, if any, is your character affiliated with?):[/b] [b]Character Origin & Backstory:[/b] [b]Powers and Abilities (What can your character do? What can't they do?):[/b] [b]Sample Story Arcs: Give 2-3 ideas on where you want to go with your character.[/b] [b]Sample Post (This is used as an introduction to your writing – try to keep it to around three paragraphs or more and try to include dialogue):[/b][/hider] [center][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2362182]Game Thread[/url][/center] [hr][center][h2]Q&A[/h2][/center] [b]Q[/b]: [i]150+ IC posts already? This feels so intimidating![/i] [b]A[/b]: Don't worry! We got your back. We don't expect you to have read every single IC post in the thread. It might be useful to read back a couple pages to see where everyone is at, but the current players can give you a brief summary of current events so that we can easily integrate you into the game. [b]Q[/b]: [i]Um, I looked at the roster and it seems like a lot of characters have been taken. What do I do?[/i] [b]A[/b]: Don't worry. The Marvel Universe has an almost inexhaustible number of characters that can be used. Sure, some of the "big names" have already been taken, but there are plenty of characters to go around! [b]Q[/b]: [i]Do you need anyone specific?[/i] [b]A[/b]: First of all, I would prefer that you play a character that [b]you[/b] are interested in, not a character that we "need". However, knowing what characters you like can help narrow down the choices! Do you love the X-Men? You're in luck, because the X-Men have not been developed much in this roleplay. Do you adore the Marvel Netflix series? These characters are just waiting to be played! Do you desire to be a king? Black Panther and Namor are at your command! And this is just a sample of the characters that you can pick from! [b]Q[/b]: [i]There is a Origin/Backstory section to the character sheet. Can I copy and paste the information there from [insert whatever wiki here]?[/i] [b]A[/b]: We have a specific word for that type of behavior: plagiarism. Plagiarism is [b]NOT[/b] acceptable, whether here or in your academic papers (if you are in school). Sure, you can [b]consult[/b] with these sources to write your character sheet, but you cannot copy them word for word. I am a bit more lenient on the powers section because there is only so many ways you can say "super strong, super fast, can fly". [b]Q[/b]: [i]Hey, can I use my sample post as my first post in the IC?[/i] [b]A[/b] Yes. [b]Q[/b]: [i]Are original characters allowed? [/i] [b]A[/b] No. [b]However[/b], you are free to reimagine existing Marvel characters so that they seem like an original character. If you want to use original characters, see the Create-A-Hero RPG [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/710]here[/url].