[hider=Raphael Carini] [hr][hr] [center][h3][color=lightsteelblue]"It's always raining in my head."[/color][/h3][/center] [hr][hr] [b]Name:[/b] Raphael Horace Carini AKA "L" [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 17 [hider=Appearance:] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/SAYNlJj.jpg[/img][/center] L looks like your typical, high school emo kid: dark hair, grey eyes, and pale skin accentuated by black clothing, black make-up, black... everything; just like his soul. He stands at 5'11" and weighs a concerning 118lbs with little to no muscle mass adorning his body. His features are very gaunt and he very well could be mistaken for a walking corpse. [/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Raphael is as his appearance dictates: a person who is enamored with brooding morbidity. As a fledgling poet and singer, his poetry and lyrical content reflects humanity's chaos, pain, and suffering. Despite this obsession he has with the dark and profane, he is a very chill person, values the opinions of everyone, and is always game for anything. However, L is known for being in detention often, considering he is almost [i]always[/i] tardy, rejects the uniform policy, and constantly protests "the System". He is quite bright though, somehow typically obtaining an A/B average. [b]Likes:[/b] [list] [*]Poetry [*]Singing and underground music [*]Dark and morbid subjects [*]Experimentation [*]Protesting [*]Being open-minded to all possibilities [/list] [b]Dislikes:[/b] [list] [*]Pop music [*]Narrow mindedness [*]Stagnation [*]Uptight people [*]Authority [*]Inhumanity [/list] [b]Sexuality:[/b] [color=Lightsteelblue]"It's like... it doesn't even matter, man."[/color] (Pansexual/Omnisexual) [b]Bio:[/b] Unlike what he would have you believe, L has lived an absolutely typical middle class life. His parents are from Milan, Italy and they currently run a successful Italian restaurant in town. He grew up the eldest of two children, his sister being exactly two years younger than him (Yes, they have the same birthday!), and he was always known as the "weird" kid through elementary school, middle school, and now in high school. Despite that, he wasn't an outcast and has changed very little from his younger days. In fact, he is well liked by most since he causes little drama between classmates but always makes teachers want to pull their hair out. [b]Extra:[/b] He is quite involved in school politics and other extracurricular activities. Currently, L is the president of the small Poetry Club. He practices all forms of poetry, but particularly likes slam poetry. Singing-wise, Raphael is surprisingly good and possess a wide range. However, he tends to prefer death growls/screaming when making his own music. While he can not play an instrument to save his life, he does make experimental electronic music on his mid-line laptop. If he is not doing either of those two things in his spare time, then he is usually socializing, dabbling in something new, or protesting "the System". [/hider] [hider="I'd like to say everybody is my friend, you know?"] [center][h1][color=lightsteelblue]Raphael Carini[/color][/h1] [color=0072bc][b]M E L A N I E . T I M E R E[/b][/color] Relationship: [color=a2d39c]Friend[/color] [i]"I like you. You remind me of a slaughtered lamb. No voice, no sound, just stillness."[/i] [color=6ecff6][b]B E R Y L . C A N T R E L L[/b][/color] Relationship: [color=a2d39c]Friend[/color] [i]"You're as white as a murderous poltergeist and... uh... I'm not sure if you're a dude or a chick. I dig the parasol though."[/i] [color=darkviolet][b]D A R I A N . G R E E N[/b][/color] Relationship: [color=bc8dbf]Love Interest[/color] [i]"Your heart is almost as black as mine, and that's what really excites the void inside me."[/i] [color=cyan][b]A L E X . H I L L[/b][/color] Relationship: [color=a2d39c]Friend[/color] [i]"Your stoicism reminds me of... a crematorium. Outside seems so stony and foreboding, but inside, it's not so bad. It's just where bodies go to burn."[/i] [color=3CB371][b]G E N E V I E V E . Y O U N G[/b][/color] Relationship: [color=a2d39c]Friend[/color] [i]"Jenny, your cooking makes my soul a little less bleak. Oh yeah, thanks for coming to the Open Mic nights. That's p cool."[/i] [color=ed145b][b]L E N A . W I L L I A M S[/b][/color] Relationship: [color=a2d39c]Friend[/color] [i]"You beat the System with two bloody hands then fuck them while they lay dying. Awesome."[/i] [b][color=orangered]K I Y O S H I . I T S U G A Y A[/color][/b] Relationship: [color=8dc73f]Best Friend[/color] [i]"You're so chill, man. It's like I can tell you all about the tragedy in the world and you'll listen to me without a complaint."[/i] [b][color=6ecff6]E L I Z A B E T H . K A I N E S T R O M[/color][/b] Relationship: [color=bc8dbf]Love Interest[/color] [i]"Between you and Darian, I'm not sure whose darkness overwhelms me more. It's like I'm always on a knife's edge, slitting my throat over and over again about you two. Brutal."[/i] [b][color=Lightsteelblue]R A P H A E L . C A R I N I[/color][/b] Relationship: [color=8dc73f]Best Friend[/color] [i]"You have to love your own despair before you can love anybody else's."[/i] [/center] [/hider]