[h1]Argus Leandros[/h1] Argus' eyes shifted over to the woman, a sense of frustration and anger flowing over him as she proceeded to prod him, sticking her nose in his business. He almost snapped at her, but held his tongue, instead turning his eyes towards the Lacrima screens, witnessing the final parts of the fight between Phoenix Wing and Frenzy Plant. The power of the Frenzy Plant team was something to be feared, but instead of pride, all Argus feel at the moment was a pit of burning resentment, clicking his tongue as he looked away from the screen tapping his foot against the ground until their drinks arrived. Having no desire to receive another damn hangover, he'd just ask for some water. It was free and had no chance of altering his judgement, which would likely lead to destructive behavior in his current mood, which then would lead to him getting in trouble with the rest of the guild. "But then again . . . maybe that wouldn't be so bad." Argus spoke absent-mindedly, his eyes focusing on his drink as he did so with a firey intensity. "In fact, why should I even go back to the damn guild in the first place. They probably don't want me there anyway, I'm just their damn responsibility. *tch* I'm as much a prisoner as Isla, now that I think about it, held there by a will that is not my own." He let out a sigh as he let his head fall to the table, either unaware or uncaring of how he spoke his mind aloud. He'd keep this position for a bit, keeping his silence as he ruminated on some issues before he spoke again, this time directed towards the woman who he'd been rudely ignoring up until now, finally deciding to answer her question. The anger that had been present in his earlier tone was no longer present, though a slight melancholy could still be felt. "My issue is that I'm a damn menace, or that's how it feels like at least. I've tried for five years to help people with my magic, but unless it has to do with fighting and killing, it usually ends in disaster. I've no self-control, hardly any self-worth, and now I feel like a second hand citizen in the guild I joined cause I've yet to receive the damn mark. . . *haah* Damn, I'm a real baby aren't I, whining about a stupid mark." Argus head had shot up as he'd spoken, indignation and resentment lacing his words as he glared at the woman that sat across from him, before he fell back down into his depressive state from before, swirling the water in his mug endlessly as he felt the weight of his emotions weigh down on him. "I'm probably making a big deal out of nothing, really, cause I'm sure their are reasons but . . . I don't know, I just don't feel any of that supposed camraderie amongst most of the members I've met. In fact, I'm pretty sure two of them hate my guts by now, and the rest are either wary of me, or don't trust me as far as they can throw. But given the circumstances, I shouldn't blame them, and yet I can't help but turn all of my anger towards them. In the end, i just end up feeling like crap . . . and I've chosen to burden a random stranger I just met with all this baggage." Argus' head fell to the table again with a solid thunk as he realized what he'd done, and feeling even worse because of it. [i]God, I must look like I'm throwing the biggest pity party in the world. What is wrong with me?!?![/i] "If you want to leave, please do. Don't feel obligated to listen to me anymore than you have, it isn't fair of me to burden you with my issues and what not." [@Lmpkio]