[@Lugubrious] With the angels not choosing to pursue the half-demon, Gideon quickly made his way to where he last sensed the humans. He wasn't sure what they would be doing here, but he suspects that they were up for no good. Perhaps they are ones taking advantage of these new rifts? Regardless, it seems as if they are on the move, and indeed moving quite quickly. Eventually, he happens to reach an abandoned subway system, where the scent has grown even stronger. They were here, somewhere underground. Without further ado, Gideon casually walks into the darkness, where he begins to hunt for his human prey. As he walks within the darkness, all he hears are the sounds of the dripping water droplets, the squeaking of rats, and the sound of his footsteps echoing across the hall. It was rather boring for him, being already used to the darkness of these environments. Yet as he walks deeper, he suddenly hears what may be a faint sound of what sounded like a woman. It was very faint, but his hearing could pick up something roughly to this: [b][i]”Come **, Alba*ross. This ** ****tom. We *** underground, in a **stern conne**** to ** abandon** **way. *upernat**** activity is ri****. We **** ** getting close. Mark ** posit*** *** send reinforcements. Phantom out.”[/i][/b] From the sounds of this, this was indeed some sort of military operation. He could trace out the names of Alba~ Alba... Albatross? And Phantom. Phantom must've been the one he was hearing. They'd apparently found a cistern, or so he thinks, and have encountered some resistance, probably from demons. They are getting close somewhere and are in need of reinforcements. They shouldn't be far now. Yet as Gideon approaches the location, he can suddenly hear the echoes of gunfire, and the screeches of its victims. The demons sounded like Hatreds and Mephistos, all which he's familiar with. He begins to run towards the location, often hiding behind walls to make sure he isn't seen by the humans. Eventually, he reaches the location as he hides behind some rubble. He can see the humans fighting it on with the demons as they struggle against them. Gideon would usually join the fight, but was actually curious to see what will happen. Eventually, they seemed to be on the retreat. [i]“We’ve got to go! Cut a path through them!”[/i] They then began to rush through the demons, slicing any in their way as they quickly moved their way through the tunnels. Perhaps it was time to combat these foolish crusaders. After all, they were merely human with special gear. They then went through a wall as it crumbles before them, with one freezing it to bide time for them to escape. Not on Gideon's watch though. As he approaches the block of ice, the demons paused and began to pave the way as the half-demon general made his appearance at last. He slowly approaches the chilling wall as he quickly takes out Lucifer's Wings. Issuing his Four-Shot move, he proceeds to fire his shots at the block, ultimately shattering it into hundreds of shards. The other demons began to stir as they prepared to go inside, however Gideon signaled them to stay where they are. His blades began to form and circle him violently as he slowly and silently made his way into the pathway, with his footsteps echoing through the hallway. He was going to eliminate these vermin... quickly and painlessly.