[center][color=00CED1][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjY2LjAxODJkNS5RV3hrWlc0Z1UyVmlZWE4wYVdGdS4y/enchanted-land.regular.png[/img][/color] Thursday March 21st, 2016 [@Ally610] [/center] [hr][hr] He didn't think the ice queen would notice him, in fact, he didn't think she would stare. Even from behind his book he could feel her gaze at him, did he do anything to warrant this? This was for about a minute, maybe two of him just standing there with his upright posture. He knows girls stared at him, maybe for his looks, but were quickly deterred when they recognized it was him. Some rumor about him being snobbish or an ass, quickly dismissed by Alden. However this girl, Mina's delayed stare, was odd, and it intrigued him. It was time to go on, and quickly recalling his timetable, he had History right now. Specifically class 11, the subject had always fascinated him. Old memoirs of the past being written down for the future generations, and a quote from one of his favorite philosopher, George Santayana, "Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it." Alden thought about the wonder of this quote whilst walking to his assigned class. On the way a person bumped into him, this person scoffed a quick "Watch where you're going.", [color=00CED1]"No, you had bumped into me, and you have the audacity to say it was my fault?"[/color] Alden replied, turning slightly around revealing his glare. The person lightly jumped in recoil, and quickened his pace, mouthing off something along the lines of 'It's the perfectionist weirdo.' Alden scoffed and fixed his clothing once more, walking into class. As soon as he entered the class the odd girl was sitting on the left hand corner of the front seats, his gaze focused on her. He's very curious about this girl, so he took the table to her right, and dropped his bag on the side of the old, creaking table. Seems like she was thinking about something, so he did not notice his presence, and with a shrug he sat down. The class was normal, it was something like an introductory class and wasn't too difficult to follow. His eyebrow raised at the 'partnership project', how Alden thoroughly disliked collaborations, partially because of how his 'partner' usually leaves all the work to him. One even tried to take all the credit for the work, but was shut down by him. As soon as it was announced, an idea formed in his head, he had heard that this Mina girl was studious, and because of past experiences took a short walk to her table. Alden had noticed the neat and meticulously arranged pencils and pens, and was slightly impressed at it's orderly state. He leaned over her right shoulder, potentially surprising her [color=00CED1]"Such neat and deft placement of your pencils and pens."[/color] Alden said, slightly impressed, a soft smile forming on his face as he dug his teal eyes into her eyes, [color=00CED1]"Hey, on the subject about that collaboration or partnership thing, would you mind partnering with me, Ms. Longing Stare?"[/color] Alden didn't really know proper social etiquette, so he was uncomfortably close.