[@Expolar] [color=yellow] wow that's alot to happen. Didn't think getting amnesia would in the long run make you stronger then you already were. Don't worry about rambling is nice to hear someone else talk now and again. Good work on catching your man by the way our at least half of him, I'm not even going to ask how that's possible.[/color] Angelo said smiling glad to hear the adventure his old companion went through while he was gone. Out of all the places Angelo thought he would be he didn't expect Edolas as the top answer. Then he asked where Angelo would go now that he had the hat [color=yellow]actually I was just planning to head back to the hotel but it's been to long since we have seen each other I say you and me go find a nice cafe and talk for a while. I could use a nice distraction for a while.[/color] Angelo posted to him thinking that Angelo needed a friendly ear to talk about and just to go back to how he was being confident in himself instead of how he went through his revelation.