The next day, Lisa woke up early and got to the blue lagoon right away. She always was the one opening up and she even took the first swim of the day in the bay. She didn't always had the luck of dolphins coming along but most of the times she had. And today she was lucky again! Two rather large dolphins where swimming in the bay, she got some fish for them and threw it into the sea. She looked at the dolphins, she always did it this way to see if they were hungry and if they were in the mood of swimming with people. Where the blue lagoon had a bad name before she had worked here, she had taken care of the way the company worked with dolphins right after she was promoted to floor manager. ''Good morning my dearies'' she said to the dolphins and smiled. Meria didn't come close but in stead of eating the fish, she swam away and went to Poseidon. Once there, she came out of the water and looked at her king. [i][color=00aeef]'Sir.. That girl I saved so many years ago for you works at the Blue lagoon but she changed the whole way of the company.. The bay is now free for us to come in and leave and she takes care of us and the other dolphins.. I wanted to tell you this because I know you had plans to let that place flood.. But I think you would break her heart'[/color][/i] she told him by teleportation.