"[color=ff4000]Or something [i]does[/i] happen, and we all die horrible deaths.[/color]" Augustus added dryly, it seemed pretty clear to him at this point what they were [i]meant[/i] to do. He didn't suppose the answer was just an elaborate way to kill themselves, it didn't make much sense in the end. Furthermore, while it seemed like an absolute waste of magical ability to just make some light with it, Sigrdrífa was right in that it [i]was[/i] possible. Simple even. "[color=ff4000]Still, best case scenario at this point is we're trapped here a few days until we run out of water and die anyway. I, for one, would rather take a chance at [i]not[/i] having that happen.[/color]" He walked over to the axe wielding woman and placed a hand on her shoulder. He wasn't particularly [i]used[/i] to trying to sound reassuring, but a ruler needed at least some kind of charisma if he expected to inspire his people. It was something that had been drilled into Augustus since birth. He tried to slip into that role briefly, it wouldn't do for them to be divided on important decisions. "[color=ff4000]You're... Juniper, right? What the lady knight speaks is true, if we need light again once the torches are out, I will see to it [i]myself[/i] that we have some. I believe, however, that putting them out is our best option for moving forward.[/color]" He nodded to the cold warrior as he finished speaking, as if to urge him on. He didn't know if this Juniper woman was afraid of the dark, or simply in disagreement, but he hoped his words got through to her. Sure, he wasn't exactly a figure that gave off an aura of protection, like Sigrdrífa or the cold warrior, a strong imposing man. However, this Juniper woman looked strong enough to hold her own in a fight anyway. She certainly didn't look like she needed "protecting" by any measure. In fact, if it came to a fight, it was likely [i]Augustus[/i] who would need [i]her[/i] in that sort of role.