[h3]Sigma[/h3] The trip to the showers was surprisingly short despite the fact Sigma was carrying her own weight in staggering drunk quality. Iota's motor control however, helped ever so slightly, even if she did wobble quite a bit. Neatly setting aside their clothes, they entered the common, wide space of the showers, as Sigma grabbed an sponge and soap and began her task. Iota's body was a reflection of her own. Tiny, underdeveloped, a mixture of a child's body and a growing woman...with some baby fat still. But at the same time, scars and incipient muscles were shown. The pattern was different for each one of the clones, but other than this, they both were largely the same. Same hair. Same eyes. Same voice and gait. The only other thing that set them apart were the prominent "Ι" and "Σ" tattoed in the back of their necks. "Geez, this gunk stinks." Sigma moaned as she scrubbed hard on Iota's neck, kneeling besides the silent clone. [hr] [h3][color=Fuchsia]Katya[/color][/h3] After her talk with Harold in the cafeteria, Katya decided she would go take a shower and change out of her plug suit, having forgotten she was still wearing it. The young woman made her way over to the showers with only some difficulty as she took a wrong turn and nearly ended up in the male showers. Fortunately she realized where she was before she walked in and prevented a potentially unpleasent situation. Once at the female showers Katya stripped down, taking in a deep breath and feeling a little relaxed being on her own, failing to notice the other sets of clothes placed neatly nearby. Grabbing what she needed to clean herself, Katya made her way inside shower area, noticing another girl in the showers as she walked in. But what Katya failed to notice is that the other girl was not alone and was scrubbing her companion. Right now Katya just wanted to wash off any grime and enjoy a nice warm shower, something Katya still considered a luxary. Picking out a spot Katya turned on the water and let it run over her for a moment. he found it relaxing, helping her forget how Harold had taken away her parfait, something she had been looking forward to trying. After a moment of silence passed the young woman thought it would be for the best if she said hello to whoever was in the shower room with her so that she wouldn't be seen as rude. So, with a sigh she turned to look at whomever it was, only to see two of the same person. [color=Fuchsia][i]"What the... am I seeing things?"[/i][/color] she thought, rubbing her eyes and thinking that might make a difference, but to no effect. Looking at what she was sure she couldn't be seeing, Katya took a step closer to the girls. Drivien by a small amount of curiosity, she recongized the girl she saw was Sigma. But how were there two of her, and why the hell was one of her washing the other? It made no sence and the sight of it confused her. Surely there was only one girl there and she was merely seeing things. [color=Fuchsia]"Maybe... there was something in that ice cream?"[/color] [hr] [h3]Sigma[/h3] Sigma squeezed the sponge hard, sending soapy water everywhere, including Iota's eyes, having been caught offguard by the exclamation of the other pilot. She yelped ever so slightly, before being cut off by Iota. "Hey, yo-you dork! Mah yeyes!" The other girl lamented, before washing her face, groggily. "Pilot Katya." Sigma's eyes darted towards the other girl, eyeing her up and down, before sighing. [i]Everyone is bigger than Irina. I'll never have a decent bust. But I never understood the fixation on that regard...It seems cumbersome.[/i] She lingered on the thought a bit, before shaking her head. "No...this is...well...this is pilot Iota. My...cl-sister." Sigma almost slipped once again, but she was getting better at correcting herself. "We are identical save a few details. We will be done shortly. I apologize for the disturbance." "...because I'm a drunk...I vomited...well...y'know." This time Iota answered. "All the others are dead...cause the battle. Grief...got drunk. Nice boobs." The other girl replied, before Sigma resumed the scrubbing. "I'm sorry. No good at social things." Sigma added. "Neither she is." [hr] [h3][color=Fuchsia]Katya[/color][/h3] It was very strange hearing one girl talk followed by the other as to Katya the girls sounded very similar to each other. No, similar wasn't the right word; the girls sounded exactly alike, and it made Katya's brain hurt for a moment. She didn't really understand what she was seeing, and her brain was about to overload. Luckily one of the girls said that the other was her sister. Although the identity of who said that eluded her. All Katya saw was a girl that looked and sounded exactly the same as the other one and who now seemd to be addressing her. [color=Fuchsia][i]"This is so damn confusing. Knowing they're sisters doesn't help. Who is who?"[/i][/color] Katya thought, looking a little confused as she eyed both girls trying to work out who they where. Even if Sigma had just pointed out her sister Katya's brain was too confused to properly process the infomation so she only got the name. [color=Fuchsia]Ït's okay. I'm the one who walked in on you two... pleased to meet you Iota,"[/color] she said just before the girl Katya now was going to assume was Iota explained why they were here and before she she commented on her boobs. [color=Fuchsia]"Nice what?"[/color] she said in surprise to the comment not expecting such comment to come about so casually. Hearing the girl she assumed was Sigma apologize and say neither of them where good at social things caused her to smile a bit in. [color=Fuchsia]Ït's okay. To tell you the truth I'm have a bit of an issue telling which one of you is which. It's confusing me. You sound exactly the same..."[/color] she said trailing off, not sure if the pair of girls found having their similarities pointed out offensive or not. [hr] [h3]Sigma[/h3] Iota tilted her head, sighing. Before Sigma knew, the staggered half sobered pilot firmly tugged her sister's hair, showing the place of the neck where the tattoo was. "I'm a wal-king...corpse 'nyway, what's a secret more to reveal...We're clones, dolls, homunculi. Copies of Spanova." "OW!" Sigma grunted, in turn batting Iota in the face."What the hell, Iota?" "Only Siggy ...was deemed suitable to be an actual pilot...the rest of us...well, we were targets. So yeah, you guys shot us." Iota added, before standing up, and grabbing the soap and sponge, wobbling around, trying to get up. She almost suceeded. "...and that's it." Iota said. "see...you...Pilot...Katits. Patty..fuck...Kitty...Katrina...Katya!" She finished, reaching for her clothes outside, leaving Sigma in the shower, unable to say a word. "It's true..." She muttered. "But...we're the dolls." She muttered, before eyeing Katya. "And now you know too. This will be quite the morale downer..." [hr] [h3][color=Fuchsia]Katya[/color][/h3] Iota's reaction was one Katya was trying to avoid. As to the young woman it seemed Iota took offence to her words. But hearing that they were clones of that lady they had beaten in the mock battle was not expected. Katya recognized the name from the time when Lorezo mentioned it in the debriefing. Seeing the tattoo on the neck was a suprise and really hammered in what Iota was saying. Katya looking at the other girl as she mentioned Katya and the rest of team Sigma shot at them. That news alone was quite suprising, as she hadn't expected to meet someone from the other team of cadets. The news made Katya feel a little sad in a way, but the young woman didn't show it, as Iota started saying goodbye and was teasing her or something. Once Iota had left Katya turned her attention to Sigma and simply ingored her thoughts on Iota's goodbye having no idea what that was about. Hearing Sigma speak Katya could only make out the part she said as Sigma looked at her. Katya was still not really understanding the whole situation. But it seemed to bother Sigma and that was enough for Katya. She walked over to her teammate and kneeled down next to her. [color=Fuchsia]"Look Sigma, for what it's worth I'm not happy the cadets from the other team died. Hence why I questioned Lorenzo on it and was punished for it. Even if this means nothing I am sorry they died."[/color] she said pausing to think of what to say next for half a second. [color=Fuchsia] "Look I don't really get the whole clone deal thing, and please don't try to explain it. I'm not good with bio stuff... it'll just go over my head. Anyway you look human to me so that's what you are. It is really that simple... well to me anyway. Also I promise not to utter a word of this to anyone. I know... what it's like to lose a sister."[/color] she said giving Sigma a small weak smile, hoping her words would make her comrade feel a little better. Katya opened up to the younger pilot a little. [hr] [h3]Sigma[/h3] Sigma eyed Katya. "It's not the first time someone says that...but I appreciate the thought. I've been blurting the whole affair...a bit too much." Sigma added. "I suppose this is what people call...being in an emotional state?" The young girl tilted her head towards Katya in a rather inquisitive sight. "I wonder..." Sigma began to form words as she stared into Katya. "What drove you people to fight? Loss? Possibly. I was born for this... But then." The young Pilot fumbled her words, letting out a curse as she was unable to grasp, to understand, to talk. "Still...thank you. Even if dolls are meant to be used by humans. For standing...well." She averted her gaze, as she struggled. "Backrub! With Iota gone, you shall...uh. Yeah...fueeeeeeehhh!" Sigma finally let out a rather flustered whine, as she evidently gave up on small talk. "I uh. Mechanic, you were the repair drones pilot. Right?" She quickly swapped topics as she went to pick up more soap and sponges, as Iota had snatched them away. The cheeky doll, Sigma thought to herself. "I was wondering...if you could...eh...equivalent share of human resources...cooperation...uh...help, me? I can...uh? scrub-back." She finished, a shade of red in her cheeks, and possibly not only because the hot water. [hr] [h3][color=Fuchsia]Katya[/color][/h3] Hearing Sigma say she had been blurting the whole affair a bit too much, Katya looked at the younger pilot a little confused not really getting what she meant. But didn't ask her to explain. She got the feeling that it is a topic of conversation Sigma wouldn't want to have with someone she barely knew from that bar of soap Iota took with her when she left. Sigma's question about being in an emotional state never got an answer. As before, Katya couldn't think of one before the silver heard girl asked another question, and then seemed to start to lose the capacity to put together a sentence. Katya was left trying to suppress a giggle or three. But ultimately she failed, and one slipped out when Katya noticed how Sigma's cheeks turned a little red. [color=Fuchsia]"Aww I can't say no to a cutie like you. Very well. I'll accept your offer. I'll do you then in exchange you'll do me. Just sit down and I''ll get to work. Also, you can relax; I'm not judging you, since its not in my nature to do that. Okay thats not true... its not in my nature to judge a cutie like you."[/color] she said pointing at a spot for Sigma to sit down. [color=Fuchsia]"Anyway. Yes I'm the pilot with the repair drones. They're called Eden drones or Edens for short. Good for patching up just about anything on the battlefield. Be it a Frame, a tank, a gun emplacement...heck they could even fix a pocket watch provided it was a really really big pocket watch made out of steel."[/color] Katya stated trying to sitmulate some sort of conversation hoping it would make Sigma relax. Katya got what she'd call a tense vibe from the girl. [hr] [h3]Sigma[/h3] Sigma stared at Katya intently, blinking ever so slowly. The redness of her cheeks approached meltdown levels as she groggily sat next to her, finding that, in fact, the floor of the showers could be used to garner infinite wisdom. That and probably the fact that she could vocalize baby noises. Cute. A cutie. What the... Well, dolls were supposed to be cute. But she always found that it was more demeaning in a sense usually. She blamed her inexperience, because Sigma had also heard being called cute was also part of the human courtship at some point. In any case, it was confusing as hell, so she stood there, stiff as a board, awaiting her fate at the hands of Katya. [hr] [h3]Mai[/h3] That's when a red-haired girl walked into the shower area. She seemed to be carrying what looked like a jet-black plugsuit and another set of clothing in her hands while being covered in a towel up to her chest. She seemed to merely look in the direction of Sigma and Katya before her gaze turned to any open shower head she saw available. She seemed to find one and, putting her clothing on a nearby bench, she stepped in and removed her towel to begin bathing. [hr] [h3][color=Fuchsia]Katya[/color][/h3] As Sigma stared at Katya intently, the young woman grew a little confused as she watched Sigma's cheeks grow even redder. Having no idea as to why they might be. The thought that Sigma might not like being called a cutie never even entered her mind. The young woman waited for Sigma to get into postion before making the needed preparations to wash the younger pilot's back. Sometimes Katya could be utterly clueless as to how others might feel. Once she sat down next to her Katya moved herself behind Sigma. Katya was about to open her mouth to let Sigma know she was going to start when a red haired girl walked into the shower area. Katya was a little surprised; she looked at the girl for a moment before looking away. Going back to her task; she started to gently yet firmly wash Sigma's back. Katya forgot to notify her compaion that she was going to start. Once she started, Katya frowned once again. Not wanting to be seen as rude, she decided to at least acknowledge the newcomer with more then a look. [color=Fuchsia]"Hello."[/color] she said looking at the red haired girl for a moment before turning her attention back to the task at hand. [hr] [h3]Mai[/h3] "...Ma'am...", was the drone reply from Mai as she started adjusting the shower head to better aim the water at herself. [hr] [h3]Sigma[/h3] "Uh?" Sigma wasn't even paying attention at the newcomer until she heard Katya responding to someone. Systems were critical. Risk of overload. Blush levels maximum. She began to lean to one side... still stiff as a board. "Ano-no-ther pi-pi-pilot?" She ventured to make a prompt, her eyes staring intently.[i] Good lord, why is everyone so adult and so big and unnhg[/i]. Devious thoughts crossed her mind as she watched the exchange, a mirror of her first impressions of the team. But the thought troubled her to no end, so she did all what the clones do when they felt distressed during a particulary tough chewing. Look at the shower floor once more. Something wasn't clicking in the place. Like a small cog out of a precise machinery, it all began to crash down all the trainwreck that Sigma's thoughs were, in quick succession. That girl...even to a clone like her... seemed a little unnerving. "Pilot, emotion suppression is contraproducent towards synch rates. I am the alleged doll here." She blurted out of the blue, dispelling all the blush in one go. She gritted her teeth. "pilot Katya... I am ready for backscrub. I shall take the turn afterwards. In the meantime, I was wondering..." Sigma then deciding that a fight in the showers was not worth it, quickly switched topics."...if it's possible to fit an inherited part in a Framewerk." [hr] [h3]Mai[/h3] Mai did stop bathing herself briefly when one of the pilots addressed her. Normally, she'd wouldn't pay much attention to her fellow cadets but since the transfers from divisions to even talking to the cadets on the transports shuttle to even the "orders" for Mai to TRY to show better synenergy and teamwork, Mai felt it was time to speak up. Even more so since this pilot seemed to be...addressing her training and mindset on being a pilot. Her back still to the other two cadets in the shower, Mai continued to bath herself but droned,"...my name...is Seven ma'am...and this is how I was trained. I'm better prepared to follow orders...and better prepared to handle the..."physical" and "mental" aspects of the war with the Cruxi..." [hr] [h3]Sigma[/h3] Sigma's eyes narrowed so slightly upon hearing the comment of the other girl. Better trained? That certainly seemed not right. Simply put, there was no better training. If there had been one, the project she had been part of would have never left the draft board. No one would create an army of clones, if not of despair. He eyed Katya, as she grumbled so slightly. "Arrogant..." She muttered under her breath, her lips puckering up. [hr] [h3]Mai[/h3] Mai didn't hear what but she thought she heard the cadet mutter something. Again, she'd just ignore such behavior. It wouldn't be the first someone didn't "like" her because of her views on proper conduct or simply her personality. But something was different this time. "...if you don't like me, just say so...I'll give you..."space" when needed...", Mai droned. [hr] [h3][color=Fuchsia]Katya[/color][/h3] Hearing the exchange between the other two girls Katya gave a small, quiet sigh. The young woman thought it wasn't really Sigma's place to comment. But Katya didn't make an effort to stop her. However, given how the red haired girl reacted, Katya partly wished she had. She didn't want people to start hating each other on the first day. When Katya heard Sigma mutter 'arrogant' she pressed really hard on the small pilot's back for a moment. She leaned in so close that she could whisper into her ear. [color=Fuchsia]"Now, that's not very nice. You know she can't help it if the military trained her to act like a damn drone."[/color] Katya quietly spoke before pulling away. Looking at the girl that was apparently called 'Seven', Katya shook her head, feeling a pang of annoyance. But the young woman simply buried it. [color=Fuchsia]"Excuse me, please at least look at someone when you speak. It makes it very hard to hear you."[/color] Katya said, going back to work on Sigma's back for a moment. [color=Fuchsia]"Okay, I'm done!"[/color] she stated with tiny amount of pride, quite pleased with her handy work. [hr] [h3]Sigma[/h3] "It's not tha..." Sigma began to say something, but interrupted herself. "Tch." She had fallen right in, had she? If that had been her trainer, she would've been kicked in the mouth for such a comment. She looked once again at the floor. "Bias, lack of information...how would I say..." The pilot added. "It's not nice to say you are better right out the bat without any kind of demonstrable proof." She managed to mutter back to Katya. "At least us were taught that much." She pondered as she flexed her back. [i]Wow, that felt good. And that idiot of Iota is missing it.[/i] She pondered. "Okay, my turn now. Let me see, soap, sponge..." She made a mental checklist, as if it was a mission of utmost importance. [hr] [h3]Mai[/h3] Mai heard the comments. Before she started putting the shampoo on her hair, she seemed to do an "about face" and looked at the two cadets. Then, of all things...gave a salute. "...Apologies ma'am...that was rude of me to say "better"...what I mean is that I went through...a rigorous training program to strenghen me...physically and mentally", Mai droned off. [hr] [h3][color=Fuchsia]Katya[/color][/h3] Hearing what Sigma muttered back Katya shook her head, although she did partly agree with Sigma. Even so, it wasn't this new girl's fault, although this new girl did so far seem like the type that bugged Katya. Too drone-like for her liking so far, but maybe it was merely an act. Well, Katya hoped it was. If the red headed girl acted like this all the time, Katya would have an issue. As the red haired girl spoke Katya turned her back to Sigma, frowning at her words as it sounded like she was saying she was "better" even though she was saying sorry for it. [color=Fuchsia]"You're not the only one; I'm pretty sure we've all gone though some rigorous training to get here. Also please don't call me ma'am, it makes me feel old. It's Katya."[/color] she said, feeling yet another pang of annoyance and buried it. [hr] [h3]Mai[/h3] "...Again, apologies. Even though we're all...cadets, I say ma'am out of respect. Not anything else ma'a-...Katya", Mai droned but quickly corrected herself. Dropping the salute gesture, she then turned about again and grabbed the shampoo. Then, she said this as she began washing her hair. "...And...if for some reason...you don't like my...callsign...my...real name is Mai Twilight...it's nice to meet you Katya and..." [hr] [h3]Sigma[/h3] "..." Sigma said nothing, eyeing up Mai and Katya. She gently dropped the soap and the sponge, just as Mai was asking for her name. "Sigma. I have no real name... but this is inadequate." The young pilot struggled, rubbing her temple. "Hmm, maybe, different parameters must..." And then, without warning nor notice, she yanked one of the telephone showers, aiming it at Mai's face with all of her might... and cackling evilly, she sprayed cold water at the fellow pilot's face. "WIDE OPEN!" She screamed, with a childish glee, beginning to laugh. [hr] [h3]Mai[/h3] Mai made a critical mistake. Because she had put the shampoo on her hair, she had to keep her eyes closed just to keep it out of her eyes. But she..."sensed" something admiss when she thought she heard the wet footsteps of one of the cadets suddenly moving around. And when she yelled, Mai would normally would have dodged. She was trained for sudden situations such as this...but as she thought before, something was different this time. That's when she got a sudden face full blast of cold water. She just stood there, solid as a rock despite the blast in the face that she was getting but she knew better. This was just a..."prank" she guessed. Then again, dealing with such things wasn't as bad as dealing with those who gave her trouble. But she also knew this for sure. These pilots were only trying to be friendly to her in their own ways. So...she went with it...and bent her head down and began washing the shampoo off her hair with the cold water. [hr] [h3][color=Fuchsia]Katya[/color][/h3] Hearing Sigma getting up, Katya looked at her, wondering what the younger pilot was doing. She was watching her actions closely as she grabbed the shower phone and then suddenly aimed at Mai's face, spraying her with water. This caused Katya to start laughing for a moment, finding it highly amusing in a childish way. Deep down a part of her thought that this was bad as it was a waste of good water. But that part of her had been long buried after months of training and have access to enough water. So Katya got to her feet, watching the two girls closely. Both of them were now enemies for the time being. If this was going to be a water fight then Katya would play along even if it was a little childish. Moving to a wall Katya armed herself with a showerphone and quickly took aim at Sigma. [color=Fuchsia]"HEADS UP!"[/color] she exclaimed in a playful tone as she fired at the younger pilot. [hr] [h3]Sigma[/h3] "Huh?" Sigma raised an eyebrow, looking at Mai's attitude...or lack thereof. Well, it was a possibility. Given the amount of training Mai's body showed , she probably needed more than a little nudge. "Ah well, time to wash up Katya-BLAKDHFGHGGABA!" Suffice to say that it was a critical hit, as the poor fourteen year old caught the stream of water at her most vulnerable, while turning to face Katya, and completely distracted in talking. The devastation caused Sigma to flail around her arms wildly, eventually staggering and tripping on her own legs, causing her to skid around the shower's floor with her buttcheeks up in a rather comical fashion. "...Amn bgou gadya, dou daidord". She muttered, obviously with difficulty, as she tried to get up. [hr] [h3]Mai[/h3] Clearing the shampoo and cold water from her vision, Mai took stock on what happened and quickly moved to cadet Sigma's side to assist in getting her back to her feet. "...I believe there's...a saying...it's all fun and games till someone losses a butt", Mai droned of all things to say. [hr] [h3]Elora[/h3] Back in the changing room, the automatic door audibly closed behind a short girl as she quietly skulked towards the locker, making sure her every step was as quiet as they could be, her heartbeat more audible than her breathing. Once she peeked around the rows of lockers and didn't see a soul, Elora finally had the courage to take off her plugsuit. She enjoyed the reward parfait, but the good taste only reminded her of what they had to do to achieve such a luxurious treat. She shivered as she held the folded piloting costume in her hands, partly because of anxiety, and partly because of the cold air that brushed against her skin. She sweated heavily during the battle, and felt itchy ever since she returned back from the field. While she dreaded the prospect of undressing and being seen by others while nude, she felt like she had no choice but to wash herself. She opened her mouth in shock when she heard what sounded like a commotion in the showers, but instead of screams she heard giggling. Elora shook her head; it was very likely she would be a victim for some of the older girls there, being completely defenceless. She closed the locker with her clothes inside of it, and sidled along the wall of the room until she met the door to the showers. Elora then slowly peeked around it, hoping that nobody saw her. She put her hand to her mouth, muffling a gasp of surprise upon seeing the playful scuffle between Sigma, Mai and Katya; all of the serious pilots. Elora didn't feel like she wanted to intrude upon them, and simply observed in silence. [hr] [h3]Sigma[/h3] Sigma stood there, clenching her teeth. Her eyes darted towards Mai in disbelief, her entire body into tension. That hurt. It hurt so much... Her sides were hurting. Her skidding had given in to a burst of hysterical laughter, perhaps more surprised by the fact Mai had done such a remark, given the personality than the jape in itself. It was then, when her eyes wandered off to the entry, and locked on the shy, almost flabbergasted Elora. "HEY ELORA!" She roared. "Don't stand in there! Deal with the traitor!" She pointed at Katya with a firm hand. "SHOW HER THE FREEZING, WET DOOM OF THE COLD SHOWER!" [hr] [h3][color=Fuchsia]Katya[/color][/h3] Seeing Sigma flail around caused Katya to break down into a fit of laugher finding the way the younger pilot ended up highly amusing. [color=Fuchsia]"Wow, these thing pack a punch,"[/color] she thought as she struggled to regain control of herself. A task that was only achieved when Sigma spoke to Elora Katya quickly spinning round to look at the shy pilot. [color=Fuchsia]"Don't listen to her! She the traitor! I acted in the best interest of humanity!"[/color] she exlaimed pointing at Sigma. [color=Fuchsia]"Plus you wouldn't hurt a fellow support pilot would you? We supporting types gotta stick together, or these combat pilots will eat us alive,"[/color] she said turning back to Mai and Sigma, but keeping an eye on Elora. [color=Fuchsia]"Now little Sigma, if you could be a good little girl for me and get back on your feet. I'd hate to spray you while you're down,"[/color] [hr] [h3]Mai[/h3] "...as I said, all fun and games...but Katya. Enough. Cadet Sigma maybe hurt or injured here due to your..."friendly" fire", Mai said as she continued to help Sigma up to her feet. Although the response came out droned, Mai did put some emphasis on "friendly". She then looked at the doorway to the other cadet called Elora. "...apologies cadet Elora. Things...kind of got out of hand in here to use the phrase", Mai droned to her. [hr] [h3]Elora[/h3] As she feared, it didn't take long for the other girls to find her out, and she reflexively hid back in the changing room. She was in a minor state of panic, trying to listen to a rush of footsteps coming her way, but they never did. Instead there were demands that she would launch an attack on either Sigma or Katya, as both sides were in a make-believe conflict. As a pacifist, Elora would have rather they simply talked their differences through instead of fighting, and didn't wish to partake in their rivalry. "Uhh...sorry, but I don't want to hurt either of you..." The showers felt like a warzone to her now, and she was anxious to even peek inside again, afraid she would get roped up into something. "C-Could you stop fighting? Please?" [hr] [h3]Sigma[/h3] Sigma blinked slowly, her eyes rolling sideways upon the realization that Elora, apparently was too terrified to read the mood correctly. Resting her head on her hands, making herself cozy in the floor of the showers, the young pilot added. "...oookay." She took the jab in stride, as she rose back to her full, yet still rather underwhelming height. "We were just playing." Her words droned, as she looked at Katya and Mai, respectively. "We all will die. We all will be broken. It's better to laugh while we can. Because, these times... will be the most cherished." Her gaze became increasingly sharper as she muttered. "Dead people will never come back. I know... And I lost twelve of them today. Even if their laugh was all the same to my ears." "Now. I think i need to perform my duties." The young pilot then advanced towards Katya, picking up the sponge and shampoo. "Pilot Katya, depose the shower and prepare for backscrub." [hr] [h3][color=Fuchsia]Katya[/color][/h3] Hearing Elora ask them to stop fighting, Katya could not help but sigh. How could have the girl misread the situation so badly? This was far from a fight, if it had been Katya had the feeling she's of been tossed around like a rag doll. Given hand to hand combat was something she never really got the hang of. As Sigma got up Katya didn't even feel the urge to spray her again, the idea of continuing the childish game fading quickly leaving the young woman listening to Sigma as she spoke a little to much. The younger pilots words making Katya think of her father for a moment, picturing his face covered in a large smile. But Katya buried the thoughts before they had a chance to take hold and upset her. The moment Sigma said she needed to preform her duties and told Katya to prepare for backscrub. Katya gave Sigma a fishy look for a moment before slowly returning the showerphone to its home on the wall. [color=Fuchsia]"You know, when you say it like that, you sound like a robot."[/color] Katya commented as she sat down. [color=Fuchsia]"Alright go nuts Sigma. Elora it's safe to come in now! We've stopped messing around!"[/color] [hr] [h3]Mai[/h3] Mai watched and listened as things developed. It was when Sigma said her lines that Mai did pay attention. In way, it was...similar to the lesson's she had learned from her first division. The battles...the sacrifices...the deaths...and yet "emotions" were needed. Even more so in framework sync rates. THAT was what her division..."hated" perhaps now that she looked back on it. Soldiers and pilots who broke down mentally were not soldiers or pilots. In this war, you had to let go...you had to make..."personal" sacrifices... Mai didn't have a choice when she lost everything... But to "cherish" moments like these...in a war like this...was tough...cadets don't always last long in a war to save humanity... ...which was why she threw away her humanity... ...but things...felt different here like she thought before...and she now knew the reason for it. Seeing that Sigma was back on her own feet now, she droned, "I apologize but I must leave...excuse me..." Checking herself quickly over, she immedately picked up the towel and her clothing on the nearby bench, which had somehow avoided the "water" war before, and prepared to leave. ...I'm becoming inefficient..., Mai thought to herself. [hr] [h3]Elora[/h3] Once Elora saw the new pilot dress up and leave, she decided to enter the showers. She kept her gaze down as she travelled to a corner shower, and fidgeted as the water touched her pale complexion. She did know they were only teasing each other, but she stil didn't like the competitive, even aggressive parts of it. However, Sigma's words rang in her head. She also wanted to make happy memories with the others, but she couldn't do that if she constantly isolated herself from the others out of paranoia. Elora decided that she had to change her own attitudes, and become more social with the others. [i]Since we're all naked, there was no reason to be embarrassed, right?[/i] She thought as she held her breath, and took the spot right next to Katya's, since she felt like the more friendlier pilot of the two. And when she lifted her eyes to look at her eyes like a normal conversational partner, her eyes froze half-way through. "Miss Romanovna, you are so mature," She spoke in a low voice, and put her arms around her shoulders in a coy fashion. "I-I'm sorry for, uhh, not being fun. I just don't like aggression, even when it's done for fun." [hr] [h3]Sigma[/h3] Sigma tilted her head upon Katya's statement of her being a robot. "A doll only receives 3 hours of classes in social etiquettes." She bluntly stated as she began to gently wipe Katya's back at first, before scrubbing harder afterwards. Methodically and throughoutly, she went on her business as she did so. "And... well, I have to make do with mimicry, observation and insight." She pondered. "It took me a while to make pilot Mai think about her predicament." She finished her sentence by gently tapping Katya's back. "All set." Her eyes finally darted towards Elora. "Do you wish one, Pilot Elora?" She indicated, pointing the sponge at her. [hr] [h3][color=Fuchsia]Katya[/color][/h3] Watching Mai leave Katya shook her head as she wondered what was on the drone like pilots mind. Katya picking up something might have been bothering her. But given she didn't know Mai that well and Sigma seemed to want to up hold her end of their deal, Katya remaind seated. As Sigma started Katya shuttered once, listening to Sigma comment about her only getting 3 hours of being taught social etiquette. [color=Fuchsia]"Dam that's a really bummer. Well if you ever need a hand understanding people I'll be happy to help in what little way I can. I don''t really get people myself so you know I might make things worse but the offers there."[/color] Katya said turning her head to the side so Sigma could hear her better. It was then Katya noticed Elora sit down next to her Katya giving her a small smile in acknowledgement. Giving the girl a once over as she spoke. [color=Fuchsia]"Why thanks, I try... sort of. It's cool, you just didn't like that kinda of fun, I can understand why... I was like that once. But the military durmmed it out of me."[/color] she said taking in a deep breath. [color=Fuchsia][b]"You gotta fight Katya otherwise the Cruxi will eat you alive. A soldier who won't fight is a coward and I won't have cowards in my unit! Refuse to fire on an a target and I'll shoot you!"[/b][/color] She said, trying to make her tone sound more like a man. [color=Fuchsia]"That's what one my teachers would say. Before he would locked me in the stockade, make me do an insane amount of push ups or hit me with something.I still don't like fighting but I see now that is needed and we don't get a say in the matter."[/color] she said turning to Sigma as she said she was done. [color=Fuchsia]"Thanks Sigma. That was nice. Might call on you to do that again sometime if you don't mind."[/color] [hr] [h3]Sigma[/h3] "Fueeeh." Sigma simply let a small wail as affirmative action. "I uh...can't handle..." She added without missing a heartbeat."Don't know... actually. I think I need to talk to you about the part...Yes! The part. I want to install a certain system in the frame." She finished fidgetting."From another frame. Do you know if it's hard to do?" [hr] [h3]Elora[/h3] Elora silently observed the two pilots as they conversed with each other, and was actually slightly glad that so far they haven't given her too much attention. This gave her the chance to actually wash herself, and was about to scrub her back when Sigma offered to do it for her. Afraid of refusing her, knowing she was a clone, Elora meekly nodded. "P-Please be gentle..." she whispered almost inaudibly, and then averted her eyes. She looked up at Katya again when she talked to her, and nodded in acknowledgement to her words, appreciating the friendliness she put forth. She gulped when the older girl made her male impression; she sounded really convincing, and had difficulty following her, but she got the gist of it. "Oh, okay. Sorry about...bringing that up." Elora knew better than most that talking about one's past was a painful affair. She couldn't have even imagine how much Katya has had to endure. [hr] [h3]Sigma[/h3] Sigma tilted her head, in a neutral stance. Social interactions were tricky. Why would not she be gentle? Being rough on a fellow pilot would only affect morale. She scrubbed intently, and somewhat more gently than when doing Katya's back. So this is how a fourteen years old back had to be. Not even a scar, unlike Sigma's. Elora was a normal girl, a normal human dragged in the mess. "There you go, pilot Elora." [hr] [h3][color=Fuchsia]Katya[/color][/h3] Hearing Sigma ask about installing parts from another Frame, Katya went into thought for a moment as she put answer together and went over a basic method of installation in her head. [color=Fuchsia]"Well I am not sure given how our Frames are not like the mass production models, but provided they work in the same basic way, it should be a simple matter. Modify or, better yet, swap any connection points to meet your frames specs, link in the part to your Frame's main computer core and any other systems needed. Install any needed software and bolt the sucker in. Well, that's it in a nutshell. It's actually a little more tricky than that and some parts don't work well with some other parts made by certain companies so it requires a lot of modification to work. But all in all, to the engineers here it should be a simple job. They seem pretty smart."[/color] Katya stated trying not to go to in depth with in and outs of adding parts into frame, not sure about what level knowledge Sigma had and not wanting to bore her with technical babble. When Elora said she was sorry about bring up the topic, Katya merely waved her left hand in a dismissive fashion. [color=Fuchsia]"Don't worry about it. It's fine plus I'm the one that took the conversation there. Looking back on it I can see why he was hard on me like that. So don't harbour any bad feelings about it. Plus Karma will get him back three times worse at some point for the really bad stuff. The universe is funny in that way, likes to keep everything in balance. Well, I think. Anyway don't worry about it."[/color] Katya said to the younger pilot once giving her a reassuring smile. As Sigma began to wash Elora's back Katya quickly went about cleaning rest of her body at a nearly inhuman speed. Growing up, she had to wash herself quickly given water was always limited. So now that was simply how she did it unless it was someone else, given she was quite rough when she washed herself. Finishing up a couple minutes after Sigma had finished doing Elora's back Katya got to her feet and turned to the younger pilots. [color=Fuchsia]"Welp, I'm done. I'll see you two around. It was nice to meet the both of you. I hope the three of us at least can get along. If the two of you ever want to talk with me, please feel free to."[/color] she said giving them both a friendly wave before leaving the shower, only then realizing she forgot to get a change of clothes. [color=Fuchsia][i]"Stupid Katya... Oh well, the plugsuit is comfy enough. I will get changed back in the hangar locker room."[/i][/color] she thought as she started to get herself dressed. [hr] [h3]Sigma[/h3] Sigma stood there, pondering to herself. [i]Maybe I can get... Alpha's framewerk parts to work in the Eiswolf. That'd be a nice homage to her.[/i] She thought , as she cleaned up the shower mess, and without another word, grabbed her plugsuit and ventured forth back into the barracks. "I won't forgive you all, sisters." She muttered to herself. "But I'm making...new...frie-nds? Yes, that's the word, friends." She whispered.