Meet Asani Cavalia. She's young, bright and talented, barely out of her teens and richer than most planetary governments, with a great job lined up for her in the future. As the firstborn and heir to her mother, Heir Sarest Cavalia, Asani stands to inherit Sarest's entire fiefdom, an entire galactic sector of the proud and majestic Sorn Imperium, an empire thousands of years old that looks set to run for another thousand. Meet Asani Cavalia. She's young, bright, talented, and trapped. Living a life trapped inside the gilt cage of publicly managed stage appearances, running a media gauntlet whenever she goes from place to place, living under her mother's thumb and seemingly powerless to escape. Things aren't much better at the office either. Even with her Schola training, she can see that there are cracks in the Cavalia economic portfolio, cracks that are starting to haemorrhage into fissures, yet her mother is unable or unwilling to see the writing on the wall and do anything about it. There are problems on the frontiers of the Cavalia area of interest, internal insurrection is mounting and the Imperial Navy has been called in to quell food riots on more than one world. The other Heirs are questioning her mother's competency and some are even offering support to an Asani-orchestrated takeover bid, yet how much of that is wanting to see the Cavalia sector tear itself apart in an orgy of violence that leaves the other Heirs free to gobble up her holdings. With this in mind, the shouting match that got Asani exiled to earth was probably the best thing that could happen to her, not that Asani sees it that way. She's going to some armpit of a planet called earth, where they don't even have extranet yet, there to take up a position as a student at some college, she's even got a roommate. ---- Okay so that's the initial briefing. Your character is going to be Asani's room mate, and the plan is for a romance to build between them. I can run this RP over email, pm, this forum or googledocs. I'd like the roommate to be female. this RP is fairly involved, and I'd appreciate long posts of three to five paras but I accept that people have their off days and if the post is conversation or action then a short post is perfectly fine. Anyone interested?