[quote=@Meiyuki] [Hider=Adventures of Admiral Yamamoto pt.1]"N-no, stop," Taran said, his voice humid and soft. The strange man in the white uniform was holding him tightly from behind. But struggle as he might, the larger man's grip was simply too strong for the effeminate boy. Yamamoto's grin was wide, stretching almost from ear to ear. "No escape now otoko no ko-chan. Now, I will make you feel like a [i]woman[/i]." "N-Nooooo~♥" [sub][@Ellion], the pure must be corrupted, at the hands of Harvard graduates if need be. Such is the way of the world.[/sub] "A-ahn, ahn, ahn~♥" Taran's moans echoed throughout the empty hallways of the castle. Accompanying them were sounds of flesh slapping flesh. "Now," Yamamoto whispered, his lips touching Taran's ear. "What do you say when you feel good?" "Kimochiiiii~♥" Taran answered dutifully. [censored] [/hider] Coven Bloodrose's favorite mascot strikes again! [/quote] Leave my little fireball alone....... buttt did you really write an uncensored version ?