The fairy was deeply troubled by the words he had managed to overhear. What could a great captain like him have done to draw so much ire? They spoke of a darfellan, could it be that their quartermaster was in trouble also? Or was he in on it? Still, no matter what, the first mate, whoever she was, was in immediate danger. He had to do something.. but what? Too bad he had left his weapon in his cabin. It was a good thing Dain had already been on the way to the captain's cabin, he was unsure if he would be heard if he went pounding on his door again. At his words, he assumed no one had heard his knocking. After waiting some time, he could hear talking as someone approached the door. The captain's was obvious, but who was the woman? He got his answer when the door opened. A feline snaked out of the room, and caused Dain to jump. She was different, though. He couldn't put his finger on it. [color=ed1c24]"As long as expected, sir."[/color] When the captain asked him if he wanted a drink, an idea popped into his mind and he frowned, [color=ed1c24]"Just a moment, if you would, captain."[/color] It had crossed Dain's mind that the cat could also be in cahoots with the mutineers.. even though she was a cat, but that wasn't why he had given flighted chase. [color=ed1c24]"Excuse me, ma'am. Would you be willing to give the first mate a message? Could you please let her know that the captain wishes to speak with her?"[/color] he wasn't sure she would agree, after all, cats seldom do anything they don't want to. Still, he had to hope. Dain hated flying. It was far too troublesome, but he had someone waiting on him. To keep them waiting over long was rude. Once he returned, he landed on the wooden floor and walked in. [color=ed1c24]"Sorry about that captain, I hope I didn't take too long."[/color] Once inside, he brought himself onto a bare spot on a table and paused, [color=ed1c24]"I asked the feline to bring the first mate here, I hope you don't mind. I would like her here for what I am about to tell you."[/color] Then he remembered what he was going to originally tell the captain, and figured it would be best to tell him alone and let him inform whomever he wished. [color=ed1c24]"So, the reason I wanted to speak to you alone is because of the nature of what I do. By now, I assume you have guessed that I'm not actually a merchant's assistant."[/color] A nervous expression crossed Dain's face as he fiddled with the key he held, he had come too far to turn back now. He looked up at the human who could simply swat him like a bug and swallowed his fear. This was probably a bad idea; here goes nothing! [color=ed1c24]"I'm a Knight of Ebonfort."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Also, it would be a good idea to hold off on drinking any alcohol tonight."[/color] The serious look was back, and Dain pointed it straight at the captain.