[hider=Gaius] Full Name: Gaius Marcius Lucio Nickname: Gaius Age: 24 Gender: male Race: demi-god Pantheon:Roman Weapon(s): Spartha(long sword),Pilum(throwing spear),lorica segmentata (segmented cuirass), Scutum(shield) Powers: Weapons master: As a son of Mars Gaius has instinctive mastery for all types of weapons. This means although he is most familiar with those weapons used by Roman soldiery he is able to make use of any weapon he comes across without training. Tactical acumen: Mars unlike his Hellenic cousin Ares is much more level headed and is a master of strategy. Gaius shares this trait having an innate talent for all matters of war, from administration, rousing pre-battle oratory to front line command. Born for Battle: Gaius gifts suit him to war above all, but his immortal constitution is also shaped to help him in battle. Faster, stronger and more enduring than any mortal and many demigods he is also more resistant to pain, and quite importantly magic and environmental hazards. However, whilst less susceptible to the environment and magic than most, he is not immune. Appearance:He is a large man standing at 6’3 and his eyes almost a pure black. He has a stare that can petrify foes in fear. His hair is back and short he keeps a bit of a stubble on his face not always finding time to shave but nothing ridiculous. He is well built as far as body size goes. It is rare you will find him outside of his armor but if you do he is in a tunic and his sandals. Image: [img]http://pre11.deviantart.net/4350/th/pre/i/2011/285/6/b/a_legionary_in_the_forest_by_lathander1987-d4chwe5.jpg[/img] Likes:The rush of battle,Getting rich, gambling, the pursuit of glory above all else. Dislikes:The needy, The good samaritans, self righteousness, Those who would stop his rise in power. Strengths:A leader of men son of a statesman, incredible prowess in combat, He will stop at nothing to see himself rise to power. Weaknesses:He is incredibly selfish and has a hard time relying on others to get things done. He refuses the help of others almost immediately. Quirks:He has a deep seated hate for all things from eastern roman territories. Greeks make his skin crawl. Fears:Being forgotten after his death. Becoming poor. Ambition:To amass as much wealth and power as possible Personality:Ambitious and driven. He knows what he wants and is prepared to do whatever it takes to achieve that. To be said he also has a slight soft spot for the average citizen. He is not always as cold and cruel as he portrays himself. Father:Mars Mortal Adoptive Father: Claudius Marius Mother:Julia Lucilla (died in childbirth) Siblings:none Pets:none History:He was educated in statecraft at an early age but found it more profitable to cut coin purses waiting for his father to emerge from the senate chambers. So when he was of age he took to the legion for fame and glory. For the first few years it was that then he was stationed To watch over a fort in gaul where he has resided until his new change of post to Alexandria to relieve another man of his post. He had learned of his true father on the boat ride to alexandria when he was presented with this knowledge in a dream. Relationships None [/hider]