[center][h2]Underground Ruins[/h2][/center] Throughout the old subway tunnels a bright blue light raced forth, zooming across long stretches of darkness. Near turns and curves the light stopped, just for a second, before moving again at blinding speeds. For anyone in the dark tunnels, they might have been thankful for the source of light, if that light didn't disappear as quickly as it came. Whatever it was was like the Roadrunner, if the Roadrunner traveled by inexplicable energy rather than running. The racing light came upon an area of tunnels which housed some Mephistos, lurking and ready to ambush their prey. Seeing the thing approaching from hundreds of feet away, two of the minor demons rushed forth with halberd and scissors in hand. Instead of intercepting the interloper, one found itself on the ground, skull cracked, while the other simply vanished without a trace. Inside the Eidolic Cairn, many had already gathered. There was the demoness, the first one there, and the Fausts which surrounded her. There were the many ghosts. The young commander with a devil's arm attempting to pull off "stealthy" in bright white. The nephilim that identified more with his divine heritage looking for a combat advantage. The cyborg, a man that no longer had an identity of his own, analyzing the situation and waiting for commands. The doll-like woman, analytical but powerful, following her commander's lead. Yet those who would stand in this most hallowed hall were not yet complete, for destiny summoned one more to the Cairn. One that didn't care to keep his presence hidden. Through the tunnel the blue ring of light sped, finally coming to a complete stop just before the ledge. In place of the ring of light was a man. An old man, but one that commanded respect and authority. His blue and red leather armored robes billowed ever so slightly as he held a Mephisto by the neck. [color=dodgerblue]"No hitch hikers![/color] he growled at the demon, squeezing with the power of his gauntlet devil arm, Lammasu, until the creature's neck snapped. He then casually dropped its lifeless body into the chasm at his feet. [color=dodgerblue]"Now then, what the hell do we have here?"[/color] [hr] [center][h2]Barlour[/h2][/center] [center][i]The Ninth Circle Bar, 35 days ago[/i][/center] Akoni sat in his usual seat, sipping from his usual drink. The atmosphere was smoky, the lights were dim, and the company dangerous. But everyone else would just have to deal with that, because Akoni wasn't going anywhere soon. "Anything new, my oh so favorite customer?" asked the bartender. Akoni set his glass on the bar counter a little harder than was necessary. [color=dodgerblue]"Another scotch,"[/color] responded the old man with a gritty growl. [color=dodgerblue]"You know there's nothing new, John."[/color] "Just trying to get you out of here, man. You need a hobby." John poured another glass of alcohol for Akoni. "I hear that a new job got posted. Maybe go talk to Lady and-" [color=dodgerblue]"Retired."[/color] Akoni drained half the glass on the spot before continuing. [color=dodgerblue]"And I'll thank you to mind your own damn business. I'll spend my free time however I please, kid."[/color] [center][i]The Ninth Circle Bar, 23 days ago[/i][/center] Akoni sat alone in a VIP room, drinking his favorite poison. For several minutes he sat, staring into the glass, feeling unfulfilled. At that moment a young man, about 25, wearing an eyepatch and carrying two SMGs walked in holding a dossier. He dropped the dossier onto the table in front of Akoni, then sat across from the retired hunter. [color=dodgerblue]"First lesson, cricket, pick your battles. Never piss off anything or anyone you can't overpower or out think. Now get your pasty ass out of my booth."[/color] The older man never looked up as he addressed the younger man. "Save the attitude old man. I'm here because the Organization has been getting overwhelmed with demonic activity. We're calling in all members to-" The hunter never got the chance to finish, as he fell through a tear in space that spontaneously appeared beneath him. He found himself launched to the side, rolling along the floor. "Ugh, you asshole!" cried out the younger man, staggering back to his feet. He reached for one of his guns, only to find his holster was missing. The old man held up the belt, then casually tossed the weapons back to their owner. [color=dodgerblue]"Out,"[/color] he firmly stated, still never looking up from his glass. The young man grabbed his weapons then turned out the door. Using an old, simple cantrip, Akoni slammed the door shut from a distance, hitting the kid on the way out. He stared for several minutes longer before his eyes glanced to the dossier still sitting on the table. [center][i]The Ninth Circle Bar, 10 days ago[/i][/center] "So tell me why you're not looking deeper into this?" John asked, cleaning out a glass. [color=dodgerblue]"Not important enough,"[/color] Akoni answered off handedly, swigging down a glass of scotch. [color=dodgerblue]"Increased demon activity in Barlour means nothing. Place is a shit stain anyway. They run through the streets like dogs."[/color] "Are you sure it's just Barlour?" the bartender asked, filling up the older man's glass. "I've been hearing a lot of unnerving stories from some regulars." [color=dodgerblue]"That's why you'd die five minutes in the field,"[color] Akoni shot back matter-of-factly. [color=dodgerblue]"Call me when it's the end of the world."[/color] [center][i]Barlour DHO Headquarters, 9:00 a.m. today[/i][/center] Akoni slammed the door behind him without ever touching it. He strolled up to the desk of this office looking important as ever, right up to the woman sitting there. She was young, but one of the few hunters that Akoni respected. She was no cricket, she was a [i]warrior.[/i] Her name? Lady. He tried casting an identification spell in her presence once to learn her real name, but only got "Lady" in response, which could only mean that was literally her God given birth name, or she had completely cut all emotional ties to her real birth name. It was fascinating. "I'm glad you [i]finally[/i] decided to join us." [color=dodgerblue]"Don't push your luck, Lady. You've got five seconds to say something that catches my interest before I walk right back out of that door."[/color] He maintained eye contact with the hunter as he spoke, a pretty rare honor, but he didn't bother censoring the irritation in his tone or his expression. Nobody was worth that much to him. "How much do you know about the Seven Seals of Armageddon?" she inquired, adjusting her position in the chair. Akoni's eyes, normally droopy and weary, instantly widened in concern and shock. [color=dodgerblue]"More than just about everyone else in this damn organization put together, I'd wager."[/color] "We have reason to believe the first seal has been broken. In a few hours from now, I'll be attending a meeting with our allies, Gilgamesh and the Order of the Sword, to find a solution to this problem." Lady tilted her sunglasses up as she spoke, meeting Akoni's gaze. [color=dodgerblue]"I'll get to work researching a location spell."[/color] Without another word, Akoni turned round and strolled out the door. This time his curt behavior and haste wasn't out of elderly irritation, but concern. Lady smirked in her chair. "Welcome back." [hr] [center][h2]Eidolic Cairn[/h2][/center] Akoni's eyes took in the magnificent sight of the underground cavern and all of its glory. The deep chasm, the floating rocks, the central pillar, it all felt so eldritch. So ancient. Then of course there was the woman at the center, heading toward the second seal. Akoni could sense something else, too. The presence of others. His eyes flashed green and he looked around, his life detection spell revealing to him several others around. Good, he had backup. They all appeared to be getting into position. He decided to let them, but the demoness couldn't reach the seal no matter what. While they got the best advantage, Akoni decided he'd make a good distraction. [color=dodgerblue]"Hey there, Beelzebitch!"[/color] he called out. Akoni began crossing the pit after her, utilizing his gates to move through space from platform to platform. She looked like a real tough one. Not the toughest he'd ever fought, but at his age, out of practice as he was, probably too tough right now.