[center][h3]Classifications[/h3][/center] [hr] Classifications are a collection of universal terms that are often used interchangeably among the various beasts. While their specific titles and terminology might vary, such as a wolf pack's hierarchy using different terms than a collection of lions in a pride, others from the outside and even those from within would understand the use of the words. Some animals resent their labeling, but others take tremendous prestige in it. All characters have a classification, even those without a faction. [list] [*] [b]Affiliate[/b] [i]Affiliates are the lowest tier of a faction. The majority found themselves introduced from birth into such a role, and by that virtue, are merely added to a collective, but those who are inducted often fall under this category. Usually the inexperienced, the youth, the injured or the displaced.[/i] [*] [b]Elite[/b] [i]Elites represent the highest tiers of a faction. Most often they are those who hold tremendous power and sway even if not in an actual leadership position. They range from elders to outsiders of great importance or influence. While many elites are seasoned combatants, some are special only in title and role rather than by past deeds.[/i] [*] [b]Exile[/b] [i]Exiles are those who are forsaken from a former faction. Often considered traitors or even enemies of their respective species, they are frequently the subject of hatred. Alone, and cast out of territory, many exiles seek power yet and few are content to idly watch as opportunity presents itself.[/i] [*] [b]Outlander[/b] [i]Outlanders are considered interlopers and are uncommitted to a faction and usually content to use them to their advantage if need be. While not considered foes to the various factions, they are treated as outsiders and are seldom the target of any respect. The majority of those with this classification come from outside Regal Hills.[/i] [*] [b]Paragon[/b] [i]Paragons are the leaders of factions or in some cases, purely mythic figures. They hold a special place of respect or fear to anyone within the region and even to those outside it. Many adopt formal titles, such as "Alpha" or "Matriarch" as appropriate to their type, but not all do, with others merely going by name. [/i] [*] [b]Unaffiliated[/b] [i]Unaffiliated beasts, be them animal or man, are merely eking by, swift to avoid conflict with the factions. Prey creatures are most often among this category, as few are intelligent and fewer yet involve themselves in the matters of conflict in the region. The majority of those with this classification originate from Regal Hills.[/i] [*] [b]Veteran[/b] [i]Veterans are seasoned members of a faction. They represent the middle tier of any collective and often hold influence over those beneath them, often having to exert force and guile to maintain their position, lest it be lost to competition. Veterans, as with some elites, are capable combatants.[/i] [/list] [center][h3]Factions[/h3][/center] [hr] Among the remains of the crumbling ruins that was the Regal Hills in the Lost Age, there are multiple collectives that strive for dominance. Some fight with reckless abandon, willing to throw their underlings to any slaughter or fight, no matter how outnumbered or underprepared they are, whereas others launch their attacks from the shadows and disappear as quickly as they surface, roused only by the presence of perceived invaders. Players may request to create their own factions, which are then approved by the Game Master or Assistant Game Master and included here. Players may also attempt to join factions operated by the Game Master, rather than begin their own. Factions are updated when encountered, with only those known or spoken of to any extent being acknowledged and recorded. All characters must be assigned to a faction, or be simply listed as "Unaffiliated". [b][i]Player Factions[/i][/b] [list] [*] [i]None[/i] [/list] [b][i]Game Master Factions[/i][/b] [list] [*] [b][i]The Crimson Fang[/i][/b] [i]A major faction of degenerate wolves and other canids who are predominantly Chaotic Evil, the Crimson Fang represents the worst of what the world has come to. Made up mainly of exiles, outsiders and those unaffiliated who have been forcefully inducted, they are violent marauders who are recognizable by their manic ferocity and practice of random violence as a show of force and presence. Their large numbers and many smaller packs make them a common threat, particularly around the densest portions of the city and along the ruined roadways which they actively use as a means to invade the hunting grounds of others.[/i] [*] [b][i]The Second Sun[/i][/b] [i]A major faction comprised of a handful of collaborating lions and the prides they rule, they are a mostly Lawful Neutral collective at their best and Lawful Evil at their worst. They resent the presence of smaller "lesser predators" as nothing more than scavengers upon what they consider their territory and are staunch enemies of the predominant wolf pack, the Crimson Fang. Though their combined prides are confined to their own territories by their faction leaders, infighting is not uncommon, particularly when new males arise and challenge ruling pride leaders. Strongly opposed to deviation of their beliefs, they rule the drier outer North and Western regions, keeping order and often violently so.[/i] [*] [i][b]The Argent[/b][/i] [i]A minor faction of which little is known, the mythic Argent are those said to be enlightened by some unknown and unfathomed means. While no evidence of their existence can be brought forward, they are urban legend among those within the region and universally feared. Their appearances are rumored to be at random, with some going so far as to claim they exist alongside humans but other equally strange tales abound about them, discrediting their existence altogether.[/i] [*] [i][b]The Hellfire Remnant[/b][/i] [i]A minor faction, the Hellfire Remnant were previously the most powerful faction and had dominated the region through their secretive use of fire until vanquished by the Second Sun within recent years. Having had a stranglehold on the region, this Lawful Evil faction was made up of the most cunning predators, no matter their origin, and was determined to assimilate all those before them and spread abroad into the remains of the Great Nation. Now little more than a shadow of their former selves, they are eager for revenge against those who destroyed them and the hordes of motley wolves that harass them.[/I] [/list]