Eubeal walked up the pathway just behind the Shinra's carriage. He wore a black duster coat over his usual black suit and slacks, as well as some leather gloves for the occasion. On his head, covering his full-face chrome mask was a large rimmed hat. The hat and coat to keep the locals at bay, though he didn't radiate an aura of absolute aggression, he just had to be sure. He spotted the carriage staying stationary near the forest. "Hello," comes his voice, it was that of a nondescript male. "I do hope I'm not late." This, addressed to the personal on the carriage. The name 'Shinra' was almost familiar, but he couldn't be sure what it was from, as he didn't have the strange communication he had at the back of his head when he fought a Godmodder, but if he was correct in his estimation, the being he was about to fight would be only a bit less powerful than a GM, as it possibly lacked the causal paradox imposing abilities of the GM, but still quite powerful as, if he was not overestimating, the entity had absolute control over death and fear. Unsure if this entity was more powerful than Zhaus, he doubted it, but he shouldn't be arrogant. A scream echoed from the forest which lead dozens of animals streaming from out of the forest, as well as panicking the horses on the carriage. Eubeal turned to the source of the scream and back at the carriage. He took hold of his hat and coat and took both of them off in a quick motion. He folded his coat and lay it on the ground near a tree, as he put his hat on top of his folded coat. He also took off both leather gloves and both caught white-hot fire as they came off and disintegrated almost as instantly, despite the rain. Eubeal lead himself to a pebble on the ground, and picked it up. Assessing and estimating its weight.