[center][color=f9ad81][h3][b][u] T A H L I A S T Y L E S [/u][/b][/h3][b]Hanger #08 / Barracks - New Anchorage[/b][/color][/center] [hr][color=c4df9b]"—and when Philip here saw Miss Jackspar for the first time, he called her a damn abominable instead of an albino!" [sup]1[/sup][/color] Thomas explained as he threw the cards in his hands at the other mechanic's face, following with him pushing the pile of 'chips' over towards Phillip. Sitting with them was Tahlia, laughing in stitches with her left elbow resting on the table as her hand covering her eyes. With the three glasses between them filled with good old American whisky and an empty bottle lying on the ground, it was little wonder the most dumbest of conversations was causing a comedy show between the newly formed team. The stories that she was listening to were too much for her to keep a straight face. [color=f9ad81][b]"Pass tha cards 'ere... Mister Abominable,"[/b][/color] she happily slurred, plucking a cigarette out of her pack, which at this point in time was sitting on the table next to her glass, and slipping the white cylinder between her lips. She placing her hand on the scattered deck, drawing them all towards her side of the table before carefully stacking the cards together and beginning a series of shuffles. Every few moves had to be stopped so that Tahlia could flip a card around in order to face the correct direction, a decision that would have been made sooner if she wasn't under the influence. [color=82ca9d]"'ey, I didn't know the difference back then. I hadn't seen either so they were both mythical beast to me!"[/color] Philip explained, as he leaned over while laughing, pulling the smoke out of Tahlia's mouth and spinning it around so that she had the tobacco end pointing out. She drunkenly smiled at the gesture before Philip continued with his efforts to help her in lighting the tip. Thomas, on the other side of the table, threw his hands up in the air, [color=c4df9b]"Mythical beast? MYTHICAL BEAST?!? You see what I gotta put up with on a daily basis? And they still won't give me a new partner!"[/color] to which Philip shrugged, knowing that his foolish antics were getting on his friend's nerves. [color=82ca9d]"So Miss Styles —"[/color] Philip enquired, [color=82ca9d]"— tell us the story about how you came to own this unique NC of yours,"[/color] pulling the handbrake up on the current topic and changing it to one about the pilot instead. [color=f9ad81][b]"That's not up for discussion..."[/b][/color] she replied with a cold expression, letting the smile that was previously fill her face disappear into a less than pleasant expression. [color=82ca9d]"C'mon, I bet it was an awesome story. I bet you were taking on Magen or Vol—"[/color] Before Philip could finish his sentence Tahlia had already placed the deck cards back down on the table and pushed back the crate she was sitting on so that she could stand up from her comfortable seating position at the table. She pulled the lit cigarette out from her mouth and dropped it in her glass, not caring that there was still drink left in it. [color=f9ad81][b]"That's enough Poker for today,"[/b][/color] Tahlia spoke, picking up her bag and throwing it over her shoulder as she began to stagger away from the poker game. The two mechanics were not entirely sure what line they had crossed in order to suddenly get on her bad side and she could hear the murmur between them. A sign that they were more than likely trying to analyse the situation so that they could get a better understanding to what happened. That was no concern for the girl at current, she just wanted to find the barracks and her room. [center][img]http://www.carolhepburn.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/gray-divider.png[/img][/center] Tahlia's hand pressed up against the steel surface with her other hand fumbling with the datatool in order to get the door open. A gentle click was heard and the latch released as the weight of her body began to force the door open. With a slight miss-step, she wandered her way through the entrance into the dormitory before her, hearing the door automatically slam shut. It was a reasonable size room, well lit, bathroom facilities on the right hand side, bed in the far left corner, and a desk to her left. Tahlia walked forward towards the bed and dropped her bag on the end before sitting on the edge next to the bedside table that held a rather nice, metal framed lamp. She felt her weight sink into the mattress for a moment, giving her a gentle sense of comfort as she sat there in silence for a minute or two. [color=CCCCCC][i]"So Miss Styles. Tell us the story about how you came to own this unique NC of yours."[/i][/color] Tahlia grabbed the lamp with her right hand, ripping it out from the electrical socket before standing up and issuing a baseball throw to the other side of the room. She expelled a loud scream of [color=f9ad81][b]"FUCK!!!!"[/b][/color] as the hard object to hit the glass mirror and shatter it into hundreds of tiny fragments. Each piece hit the floor one by one, giving a soothing sound similar to that of a dancing wind chime before a heavy 'Thunk!' ended the musical parade. Tahlia dropped to the ground, landing her knees on the less than comforting floor and burying her head into her hands. [color=f9ad81][b]"It's not the question, it's only the alcohol,"[/b][/color] she repeatedly wailed into her palms, trying to convince herself that the emotional stress she was currently experiencing had nothing to do with her and how she obtained her NC. [hr] [color=CCCCCC][sup]1: Reference from [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3006832]Old RP.[/url][/sup][/color]