[center][color=red][h1][i]James Bartholomew Beauchamp[/i][/h1] [h2][i]Captain of the Jolly Roger[/i][/h2] [img]http://49.media.tumblr.com/a5af6b3de78a4e754c615c17b496fe31/tumblr_nuxr2aeJKX1ubm659o6_500.gif[/img] [h3][i][b]~General Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Name (Fairy Tale World):[/b] Captain Hook [b]Other Names (Fairy Tale World):[/b] Hook, Codfish, and Captain [b]Real Name (Fairy Tale World):[/b] James Bartholomew Beauchamp [b]Occupation (Fairy Tale World):[/b] Captain of the Jolly Roger [b]Place Of Origin:[/b] Old New York, American; Earth [b]Age:[/b] 40 [b]Affiliation (Fairy Tale World):[/b] Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Evil Chaotic Neutral - Captain Hook is a free spirit and sails the seas seeking adventure and treasure. [b]Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (27):[/b] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/4/4b/Hookdeep.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20121207195722[/img] [b]Appearance - Fairytale World (40):[/b] [img]https://45.media.tumblr.com/a80a2be1c0dca819e51b215019e43551/tumblr_nr4h3tqUSL1uo8lh0o1_400.gif[/img] [b]Wardrobe Style (Fairy Tale World):[/b] [i]The Jolly Roger (Presently) -[/i] Having gone to a very prestigious school, and being in a family that was well off, James always dressed to impress. Currently he wears a frock coat which varies between [url=https://www.yourprops.com/movieprops/default/44fd9674e98cd/Peter-Pan-Captain-Hook-coat-from-Peter-Pan-1.jpg] red[/url] and [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/bf/c7/28/bfc72822db85a775213e5f6e8c8d787b.jpg] black[/url]. This covers a colonial shirt which varies between red, white, and black, depending on his mood. Covering his posterior dimensions would be [url=http://www.darcyclothing.com/shop/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/600x600/040ec09b1e35df139433887a97daa66f/i/m/img_0890.jpg] knee breeches[/url] accompanied with white or black socks attached under his breeches using garters. On his feet were [url=http://thumbs4.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m/m3iMERW7Vm4iV0aQwUPEHJQ.jpg] low cut leather shoes[/url] accented with gold buckles. He found that the classic choice of leather boots made him slower on his feet. [h3][i][b]~Relationship Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Relationship Status:[/b] Single [b]Partner:[/b] None [b]Father:[/b] Frederick Beauchamp (Deceased) [b]Mother:[/b] Joanna Beauchamp (Deceased) [b]Siblings:[/b] Freya Beauchamp (Maleficent) [b]Pet/s:[/b] None [b]Other:[/b] Blackbeard (Former Captain), Maleficent (Sister’s Adoptive Mother), King Uther (Sister’s Faux-Father), King Arthur (Sister’s Faux-Brother), Merlin/Emrys (Physician and Mentor) [h3][i][b]~Personal Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Personality:[/b] Captain Hook’s personality is as ever changing as the sea. One moment he can be seen killing his own crew due to sheer annoyance of them, and the next he could be crying to his mommy. Over the years of being a pirate, Hook has found a balance between honor and piracy. He has been desensitized to human life and sees it as just something else for him to take should he see fit. Years of fighting Pan, trying to exact his revenge, have made him bitter and cold to the world. But through all of this he has kept his sense of honor and dignity, and constantly calls Peter out for having ‘Bad Form’. At times he is a mere coward who hides from the crocodile who tasted his blood so long ago, and constantly follows him around for more taste. [b]Strengths:[/b] He is a cold and ruthless pirate, who will take what he pleases no matter the cost. He has a loyal crew willing to fight to the death for him, and a ship manned with canons at his disposal. The years of being a pirate, and fighting with Pan, have made him an amazing swordsman. With nothing stopping him from gunning someone down merely for his own pleasure, and a ship full of pirates at his disposal, he is the most feared pirate on the seas. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] At the sight of his own blood, Hook will turn tail so he doesn’t have to see it. His yellow blood isn’t natural and it scares him just to see it. He is also terrified of the crocodile that ate his hand, afraid that should he slip up the crocodile would not hesitate the chance to taste the captains sweet blood once more. He has unconditional love for his sister. Even though he doesn’t approve of what she’s doing, he will do anything to protect her. She is more important to Hook than life itself, and he would gladly lay down his life to save that of his sisters. [b]Magic Capabilities:[/b] None [b]Weapons:[/b] On his left hand side Hook has a rapier with a golden guard, and a flintlock pistol loaded at all times. And of course in place of his right hand, he has a sharpened iron hook that is useful should he lose his sword. In his right hand shirt pocket he carries a poison with him that he plans to use on Peter Pan should he get the chance. [b]Brief Biography (Life On Earth):[/b] Captain Hook was born as James Bartholomew Beauchamp to Frederick and Joanna Beauchamp. A fact of which only his sister, Freya, knows of. When he was three his little sister Freya was born, and he loved her more than anything. Growing up he always watched after he and protected her from any dangers they might happen across. Being born into a wealthy family gave him a sense of entitlement. His every need was catered to on a daily basis. This led him to be quite a spoiled boy, who thought he could just take whatever he wanted and do whatever he wanted and all would be well. With his father gone frequently for work, James grew to be a mommy’s boy. To him his mother was the more lenient of the two parents, and often let him get away with things his father would not. Though he felt entitled that did not leave him without manners. His mother taught him how to act like a proper gentleman, and being the mommy’s boy he was he heeded every word of it. His sister was a bit more troublesome for his mother though, and there were many days when she would ask him to watch after Freya while she tried to find comfort in a bottle. There would be times when their father would come home because Freya always behaved for him, but these were the bad times for James. His father was much more strict, and would often punish him for what his mother would call mere childish pranks. This led James to despise being controlled though keeping his temper because he knew he had to respect his parents. When he was 14 and his sister 11, his parents sent him off to a boarding school, Eton, to study. In his last year of school he was a part of the most exalted assemblage in the world - Eton Society, or Pop. Many at the school say that James’ election was a surprise to the Pops, and that he must have manipulated the ballots in some way. In his studies he was in the first 100, top of the school. He was 18 when he graduated from Eton and was able to leave for home. He was excited to see his mother and sister again, and couldn’t wait to get home. Unfortunately nothing had gotten better between his sister and mother, things were just as rocky as ever. Father was still gone quite often leaving mother and sister alone. He could see things falling apart. The next year his father went on another business trip leaving the three of them alone. One night while he was asleep he awoke to a commotion in the hall, father was holding mother trying to console her. Next thing he saw was his sister running outside from their parents master bedroom. Without skipping a beat he chased after her, crying her name out. Until he saw her disappear in front of his eyes. James debated for a moment whether or not to follow, but the answer was clear. His sister was more precious to him than life itself, no matter what awaited him on the other side he had to go through, for his sister. When he stepped through the two trees he saw standing in front of him his sister, and another lady dressed in fine black clothing. [b]Brief Biography (Life In The Fairy Tale World):[/b] When he saw the woman dressed in black he knew she wasn’t up to any good. He followed his sister until he knew she would be safe, but he didn’t want anything to do with Maleficent so he left on his own seeking to return. Unfortunately he had lost his way and ended up just exploring this new world he was in of magic. It wasn’t long before he came across a ship near waters of which were unknown to him. Hoping that they would know how he could get home he approached them to ask, only to find out they were pirates! After he asked the pirates about New York, they all laughed and called him crazy. Then they grabbed him and tried dragging him aboard the ship. James had a fear of water though, which caused him to cause quite the struggle against the pirates before they were able to drag him aboard. It was at the time a man with a beard as black as night, no even blacker, walked down the steps of his galleon and onto the main deck, his heavy footsteps sending a chill down his spine. The man’s beard seemed to be on fire at first glance, instilling fear into the young man. Though later he realized these were just fuses tied into the pirate’s beard. This was the scourge of the seas, the most notorious pirate to set sail. Blackbeard. Blackbeard praised James for his struggle against the crew, and invited him to join his crew. James didn’t mention his fear of water being the reason behind his struggle because of his fear of death, so he accepted and went sailing on the seas with Blackbeard. After some time on the open waters, James fear of water subsided and eventually disappeared. In fact it even grew for a love of water. Two years passed and James had worked his way up to being Blackbeard’s bo’sun. He was second in command of Queen Annes Revenge and was enjoying every minute of it. They took what they wanted and did what they wanted, there was no one to stop them. James began missing his sister, and grew concerned about how things had been going between her and Maleficent. He spoke with Blackbeard and asked that he be allowed to leave the crew to go find his sister. With some thought Blackbeard agreed and sent James on his way with some rum and provisions. When he returned to his sister, he saw that she was safe. But he didn’t like that path she was going down. It was then that he tried warning her but to no avail. So he stood by and watched, and followed her wherever she went to be sure she was safe. He followed her until one day Maleficent decided to pass on her power to his sister, also ending Maleficent’s life. This threw his sister into a rampage across the land, and he was sad to see the monster she had become. Once she had returned from her rampage, he told her how disappointed he was in her, and how she could have become such a great person. Before he left he told her that he would always protect her, she meant more to him than life itself. But he could never condone her actions. Then he left Maleficent to her own thoughts and went to find adventure in this new land. It was during this time that he went out on his own and was able to find a ship, and recruit a crew. He used all of his swag from his travels with blackbeard to buy his new ship, The Jolly Roger. And the crew were to be paid upon plunder. He set sail around this new world to explore, and soon came to an island which was different from the rest. A place he hadn’t come across before in his travels. It was here that he met a boy named Peter Pan. James had no reason to distrust the boy, and he had nothing to gain from the boy, a simple curiosity befell him. More curious was that the boy could fly! But the boy wasn’t friendly, and didn’t like the pirates on his island. Neverland he called it. One day, having had enough of Peter Pan’s tom foolery, James drew his sword on the boy. Unfortunately for him Peter threw some dust into James eyes then cut off his hand. A yellow blood flowed from the veins of his severed hand, Hook was terrified of it. This was the first time he had seen his own blood, and never did he expect it to be yellow. He stepped back and then looked up into the air where Peter stayed midair with James right hand in his own. Peter flew to the edge of a nearby cliff and held the hand over about to drop it. James ran to the edge of the cliff shouting at peter, cursing his name. He looked down and saw a giant crocodile in the waters below. A drop of the man’s yellow blood fell into the waters and immediately gained the crocodiles attention. The crocodile reared up and opened it’s mouth up for more, snapping every once in awhile. Then Peter dropped the severed hand into the crocs awaiting mouth and left the captain. When he returned to his ship his bo’sun, Smee, bandaged up the captains wrist and stopped the bleeding. It was then that James sent Smee to get him something to put where his hand once was. Smee returned with an iron hook that would be attached via a device he strapped to his arm. The next time Smee addressed James as Captain James, he was silenced and told… “It’s Captain Hook…” [h3][i][b]~Other Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [h3][i][b]~Theme Song~[/b][/i][/h3] "?" By ?.[/color][/center]