[center][color=DarkOrange][h1][b][i]~Taka Lionhart – Scar Lionhart~[/i][/b][/h1] [img]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Signatures/Scar%201.gif[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Scar Lionhart. [b]Other Names:[/b] Kovu. [b]Real Name:[/b] Taka Lionhart. [b]Age:[/b] 34. [b]Occupation:[/b] Royal War General/ King of The Pride Lands. [b]Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Age Twenty- One):[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/10/5e/30/105e3027620c6de3802c5971acb2d9e1.jpg[/img] [b]Appearance - Today (Age Thirty-Four):[/b] [img]http://1.fwcdn.pl/ph/71/54/657154/400290_1.1.jpg[/img] [b]Appearance - Cursed (Lion):[/b] [img]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/lion.jpg[/img] [b]Personality Traits:[/b] Even as an adolescent, Scar proved himself to be highly intelligent, motivated by jealousy, and is exceptionally manipulative. His ties to family only go so far when his own goals are in mind, and he saw no problem in endangering his brother's life in order to get the attention he so desired. He takes little interest in the well being of his followers, willing to bend the rules and put his own interests above all others. He takes to plotting and his perceptual features are nonchalance, seriousness and almost comical sarcasm. It's hard for him to find allies amongst the royals so he is forced to develop relationships with other outcasts such as bandits. He has an urge for a dramatic presentation and will even sacrifice others' lives in order to get a dramatic atmosphere. Still jealous and bogged down by feelings of inferiority, Scar is psychopathic and even less reliant on his family, willing to frame and murder the only family members he has left in order to steal the throne. He is very capable of manipulation and is still sensitive to the mention of his brother, knowing full well that he can never be the king that Mufasa was. He suffers from a lack of self-esteem and to cover that up he thrives in torturing the helpless. Even in a position of power, he remains vulnerable to bouts of indecision and insecurity, unable to accept criticism and too stubborn to take the advice of his advisers. Despite his inner insecurities, Scar is a natural orator with a charismatic charm, able to rally his followers to his cause and gain the fanatical loyalty of other villains. His smooth talking is not easily overlooked, but when his walls are broken down, Scar is revealed to be a coward who would much more likely run from a conflict than turn to face it. When forced into a fight, he can hold his own and is not above cheating. His natural charisma hides a cowardly nature that refuses to accept blame and takes no shame in shoving problems and troubles on other individuals. [b]Skills:[/b] Highly intelligent and able to come up with masterful plans with just a few minutes, Scar is able to retain almost everything he sees and store it in the back of his mind to use at a later time. His charismatic charm often times leads those into following him blindly. But he isn't all brains. Having grown up in his father's army to ultimately become their leader, Scar is very proficient with a blade and shield, but even better with improvisation when weapons are unavailable. He is also a high physical threat as he is a master of hand-to-hand combat. [b]Biography (Before Earth):[/b] Once, a very long time ago, there were two brothers born to a king. The older brother Mufasa, was the heir to the throne leaving his younger brother, Taka 'second best'. The boys never got along, always fighting with one another and causing mischief but Taka's 'rough housing' became more and more dangerous as the years went on. Even at the age of six, when the noble house of Kiburi gave birth to a child destined to be betrothed to Taka, his interest did not waiver. When Taka was able to comprehend what jealousy was, he knew for certain that he wanted to be king, giving no interest in what was [i]supposed[/i] to be his future - only what he [i]wanted[/i] it to be. Despite his constant pleas to his father, the only way Taka would become the true king is if Mufasa died. So that's what Taka did. Now teenage boys, both being trained profusely in their father's army, they managed to slip away from their duties and went out to play. Taka purposefully lead his brother into a trap to 'play a game.' Leaving Mufasa for just a moment, Taka went to find an antelope herd and started to throw rocks at them, herding them into stampeding towards his brother however in an unexpected turn of events, Taka became trapped and got mixed in with the herd, getting seriously injured and giving him a deep scar across his eye. With more than just his pride wounded, Taka then took up the name Scar as a constant reminder that he needed to plan more accordingly rather than to just improvise... a mistake he never made again. The years went on and the boys grew into men. Scar's betrothed, now a woman, was his own small effort to take away his obsessive thoughts of murdering his brother and was distracted by the task of trying to create a family. However, when Mufasa become King at the young age of twenty-five (Scar now twenty) due to an unforeseeable death in the family, the jealousy returned into Scar as he bitterly rose to become Mufasa's war general and not to take his father's place as King. It was only one year later when Scar decided that he had had enough and went rogue with his brother's soldiers, using his quick wit and manipulation skills to turn them against their king. There was one among them, however, that didn't take to Scar's manipulation. A young man named Simba, Mufasa's seven-year-old son. So on the night of the rebellion, Simba slipped away in time to warn his father. With the plan thwarted, Scar was ultimately caught and was thrown into prison. He was completely cut off from the world, forced to spend months to himself in madness until his execution day. Brought before the block at the young age of twenty-two, Scar was shown mercy by his brother and was instead exiled from the land. Ripped from his fiance (as they never got the chance to marry), Scar was forced to leave his only home. Once exiled, Scar was desperate to find power wherever he could get it to return home and stumbled upon a sorcerer by the name of Rothbart. Practically demanding power, Scar's quick temper and ill tongue got him into trouble and had a curse put upon him, pulling out the beast inside of him into the true monster he was inside. Rothbart eventually changed him back, letting him know then and there that so long as he has hatred in his heart, the beast inside would remain. Furious, Scar was forced back to his desolate home to think upon Rothbart's words, trying to devise a way to break the curse set upon him. He began to send letters; anything and everything he could do to contact his fiance. Finally, after months of waiting, Scar got a reply. Though it wasn't from his fiance, Kiara, but her sister, Zira. Zira replied in her letter that she was willing to meet with Scar though with understanding that it had to be outside the Kingdom of The Pride Lands. A few more letters back and forth and a few months later, Scar set out to their designated meeting place where he could finally get some answers. When Zira and Scar finally met in secret, Zira told Scar the unfortunate news that after he had put into exile, Kiara tried going after him - only to have the Wildes take her life shortly after as she was not prepared. Devastated, and driven by an animalistic rage he had yet to tame within himself, Scar lost all sense of who he was and snapped Zira's neck just before turning into the beast Rothbart had cursed him into. When Scar woke up the next morning without even so much as a memory to what he had done, surrounded by disembodied limbs and covered in the blood of his fiance's sister and small handful of guards, Scar wept. He knew his only chance for redemption was to make amends with his brother as Rothbart had told him. With his fiance dead, and her sister's blood on his hands, he had nothing more to lose. He had no one else to love. Picking himself back up, Scar washed himself from any life he had ever had hopes of having and returned home to Pride Rock. It was time to kill his brother. [b]Biography (Life On Earth):[/b] Scar doesn't even know what 'Earth' is. [b]Other:[/b] When a beast, he is unpredictable but most often times blood thirsty. There hasn't yet been anything that can stop him, but his animal form drains his energy quickly and is prone to losing consciousness and waking up human again. [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yHuuBZgif0]"Blow Me Away" By Breaking Benjamin.[/url] [img]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Signatures/scar.gif[/img] [/color] [/center]