[@Draconequis] [color=limegreen] The criminal jumped out of the tall grass and shrieked. The ghost pokemon had given him a worthy scare. His face had turned an immediate red from anger. It was still hard to see his face due to the darkness and most of his face was concealed by his yellow bandanna. "You think that's funny? I'll show you something scary!" He quickly wiped the sweat off his face and snapped at his Houdour. "Houndour, eat this creep! Use bite!" The criminal barked and ordered his dog-like pokemon to jump toward the Gengar. This was an effective strategy given the type advantage. [/color] [color=deepskyblue] Edward made certain to look as if he had given up. He held his hands up and whispered to Xanthia. "I've never been in this situation. I'm not all familiar with these pokemon. I'll go ahead and take down the dog." Edward slightly lowered his hand. He hoped to see an opportunity and release one of his team members. Before he could react, he noticed the dog jump towards Xanthia's Gengar. "Never mind, I'll go after the pokemon behind us," Edward used the opportunity wisely and shot his hand down. He slipped his hand into his laptop pocket and chucked it in the air. "Go, Secare!" The trainer was unsure of the Mankey's type; could it be a monkey type? He figured Secare could take quick work of him. He was agile and quick enough for this energetic ape. A red beam had passed out of the pokeball, but the shape had turned into something else. Edward's eyebrows elevated as he realized he grabbed the wrong pokeball. From the pokeball, Rho had appeared. Edward was uncertain of what his new pokemon could do. "Rho, use Absorb!" Edward prepared his battle stance. He watched his oddish closely; the grass pokemon looked back at its new trainer. He took a few steps back from the pokemon it was facing and shivered in place. "Oh, no. It has a timid personality," Edward's hand shook. The hesitation had costed oddish an attack as the Mankey had pounced forward and karate chopped the grass pokemon. [/color]