[i]In this world, not every foul thing danced to the Dark King's flute. A wise and respected man once said that the oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Something blacker than whatever had stirred within the fever dreams of Bosch crept through Plague Forest, as much an enemy to the challengers as to Darko. Pure evil is a commonly used to describe every diaper sagging vagrant and howling entity that so much as makes a ripple in someone's private pond. Pure evil this, pure evil that. The real deal bothered not with poetic fancies or the reasoning of man. It watched the caravan with eyes that saw nothing, as still and as cold as a corpse within the nebulous shadows of the forest.[/i] [@Drifting Pollen][@Mikellh Dejax][@Starfall] [b]*Unlike in the movies, no faint lighting conveniently gave away the contours of the forest. It truly dark. Because of this it would be high on impossible to miss the blazing twin foglamps which would flare up a dozen yards to the caravan's right. Before they materialised out of the gloom, the adventurers would be able to feel it. A sixth sense screaming a vague warning, like a psychic lighthouse on a rocky shore. It would be a brief warning, though, and then they appeared. Will O' the Wisps they were not, but eyes. Eyes almost human save for their freakish size, radiating a spectral blue which coated the forest in a surreal glaze of icy illumination. The light had an almost physical presence that could be felt on the skin, like the crawling of insects. Those that however briefly met the stare of the thing that waited would feel the bugs inside of them, and something else. Something with long, dripping phalanges reaching in deep, withering claw tips feeling over their very essence in a way similar to how an abusive uncle feels his young nephew.*[/b]