[b]KYL-9XX, Hall containing 2nd Seal[/b] [color=39b54a]//Mission_Statement: Find and protect 2nd seal, assist Gilgamesh operatives //Status:[/color] [color=ed1c24]ENGAGE[/color] Things had been quite for a while, but someone finally broke the ominous silence that had been ever-present. "Hey there, Beelzebitch!" called out an older man, approaching the woman standing in the center of the room. The cyborg´s scan revealed he was human, but he emitted great power. As he seemed to be an opponent of demonic forces, KYL-9XX assumed they could fight on the same side. Taking advantage of the little distraction, he decided it was time to act and get closer to the seal. Initiating his Cheetah Module, the cyborg could feel his thrusters warming up. He moved quickly across the floor, and jumped over to a floating stone, giving off low [i]swoosh[/i] sounds. The woman´s face was turned towards the old man, giving KYL-9XX a perfect opening to start an attack. Taking aim at the woman´s center, the gatling gun slowly started to spin. A few moments later the hall was bathed in light and filled with the sound of gunfire.